Research has found that an alarming number of employees are now using their own AI tools at work, without the permission of their organization.
According to a survey by Software AG, half of all knowledge workers – defined as “those who primarily work at a desk or computer” – use personal AI tools.
Most knowledge workers said they use their own AI tools because they prefer their independence (53%). An additional 33% said it’s because their organization does not currently offer the tools they need.
This suggests that if businesses want their employees to use officially issued tools, a different process is needed for determining the ones that are actually made available.
The research goes on to show that personal AI tools are so valuable that half of workers (46%) would refuse to give them up, even if their organization banned them completely.
This is a powerful signal to organizations that they need more robust and comprehensive AI strategies, to prevent inviting significant risk into their business.
In a recent article the BBC spoke to a product manager at a data storage company, which offers its people the Google Gemini AI chatbot.
External AI tools are banned by the company, but the product manager uses ChatGPT through search tool Kagi. He finds the biggest benefit of AI comes from challenging his thinking when he asks the chatbot to respond to his plans from different customer perspectives.
“The AI is not so much giving you answers, as giving you a sparring partner,” he says. “As a product manager, you have a lot of responsibility and don’t have a lot of good outlets to discuss strategy openly. These tools allow that in an unfettered and unlimited capacity.”
He’s not sure why the company has banned external AI. “I think it’s a control thing,” he says. “Companies want to have a say in what tools their employees use. It’s a new frontier of IT and they just want to be conservative.”
It’s an interesting perspective – but Shadow AI comes with significant risks.
Modern AI tools are built by digesting huge amounts of information, in a process called training, with around a third of applications being trained using information entered by the user.
Consequently, the uncontrolled use of Shadow AI can result in company data being stored in AI services that the employer has no control over, no awareness of, and which may be vulnerable to data breaches.
It’s another example which shows cybersecurity isn’t just about firewalls and encryption – it’s about people. And HR holds the key to making every employee a vigilant defender of the company’s digital assets.
If you would like to discuss how we can help we can help build cybersecurity into the culture of your organization, please get in touch with us today!
As Black History Month begins in the US, we thought that The Good Ally: A Guided Anti-Racism Journey from Bystander to Changemaker by Nova Reid, would be the perfect book for our February review.
A creative entrepreneur, producer, TED speaker, and writer, Nova Reid is known for being curious about human behaviour, and channels her professional background in mental health to encourage meaningful change from the inside out. The Good Ally is her first book, and acts as a comprehensive guide to equip individuals – particularly White people – to become effective allies in the fight against racism.
Drawing from her experiences as a Black British woman and an anti-racism campaigner, Reid offers a thoughtful approach to understanding and dismantling systemic racism by delving into the history and policies that have shaped institutional racism in the UK, providing context for present-day issues. Reid explains concepts such as microaggressions, privilege (reframed as advantage), and intergenerational trauma, offering practical examples to illustrate these ideas.
She then goes on to emphasize the importance of self-enquiry, encouraging readers to reflect on their own biases and the discomfort that may arise during this process. We have a responsibility to address the uncomfortable conversations, otherwise they will never be had and there will never be change.
To help readers achieve this goal, Reid provides actionable advice for practicing anti-racism in various aspects of life, including personal relationships, parenting, and the workplace. She also includes some prompts for journaling, as well as drawing on her own experiences on how to model effective allyship.
And the key message that Reid wants everyone to take away is this: the journey toward becoming a good ally is ongoing and requires continuous learning and self-awareness. For employers, it is so important to be consistently addressing unconscious biases in order to ensure that no team members are discriminated against and to ultimately unlock the most out of your people.
If you would like to discuss how we can build a framework for having conversations about race, or if you would like any employer training around the management of unconscious bias and microaggressions in the workplace, please get in touch with us today.
In the meantime, be sure to grab a copy of Nova Reid’s book to begin your journey to being a good ally – you can purchase it here in the US and here in the UK.
How was January for you?
As the new year begins, it is common to feel a bit of a slump after the festive period packed with traditions, colorful lights, and good food.
This feeling, known as the ‘January Blues’ or the ‘Winter Woes,’ refers to a general decline in mood, lethargy, or even a sense of depression during the first month of the year. If December brings a rush of adrenaline, January is when the reality sets in.
For most people, this feeling fades as they get back into the routine. However, for some, it can linger due to factors like financial stress exacerbated by the holiday season or the struggle with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) during the winter months.
For this reason, employers aiming to re-engage employees often use the ‘Winter Woes’ as an opportunity to focus attention on their wellbeing strategy. This makes a great deal of sense – but it is important to maintain and build upon this momentum rather than let it wane as the year goes on.
And, let’s be honest, we can all be a bit guilty of this at this time of year! Some of us will have signed up for that new gym membership and started taking part in Veganuary only to discover that these resolutions quickly fizzle out. Suddenly the gym membership is just another card cluttering your wallet – and no amount of carrots and hummus can stop you daydreaming about cheeseburgers!
The corporate version of this is a phenomenon known as ‘Wellbeing Washing.’
‘Wellbeing Washing’ occurs when companies express their commitment to mental and physical health but fail to demonstrate this consistently through their actions and practices.
And it’s more common than you might think. Indeed, one study found that more than a third (35%) of businesses are perceived by their employees to be wellbeing washing.
To avoid this pitfall, consistency and clarity are key. Wellbeing has gained significant importance on the corporate agenda, especially in the post-pandemic era. Employers must ensure that their efforts to support the physical, mental, social and financial health of their workforce are consistent throughout the year.
While happy, healthy workers naturally contribute innovative thinking and productivity, a study by Mind found that 60% of employees believe that employer-led wellbeing initiatives would increase their motivation and the likelihood of them recommending their company as a great place to work.
So, in the same way employers should be committing to redouble their wellbeing efforts as they move through January; as we begin February they should be committing to maintain that effort through the year ahead.
If you would like to discuss how we can assist your business with its wellbeing strategies, please get in touch with us.
In today’s workplace, the “one-size-fits-all” approach no longer works. Employees want more than just a paycheck; they want an experience that feels tailored to their needs, goals, and aspirations. This is where AI steps in, reshaping how HR teams create personalized experiences that truly resonate with their people. By 2025, leveraging AI for this purpose won’t just be an innovation – it’ll be a necessity.
What Does Personalization Mean in the Workplace?
Imagine starting a new job and immediately receiving tailored training modules, benefits suggestions, and a career plan that aligns with your strengths and ambitions. That’s what personalization is about – treating employees as individuals rather than a part of the collective. AI takes this concept to the next level by helping HR teams scale personalization in ways that were unimaginable just a few years ago.
How AI Delivers Personalization
Here are a few ways AI is already changing the game for HR and employees:
Why Does This Matter?
The benefits of AI-driven personalization go beyond just ticking boxes. It creates real impact, both for employees and organizations:
What About the Challenges?
Of course, there are hurdles. Let’s address the elephant in the room: data privacy. Employees might be skeptical about how their information is being used. Transparency is key here – employees need to know what data is being collected, how it’s used, and how it benefits them.
There’s also the risk of over-reliance on AI. Yes, AI can process data at lightning speed, but it can’t replace human intuition. The best HR teams will use AI to inform their decisions, not make them entirely.
The Future is Personal
By 2025, personalization will be a core part of the employee experience. Companies that embrace AI to create these experiences will have a clear advantage in attracting and retaining top talent. But here’s the thing: while AI is a powerful tool, it’s the human touch that ultimately makes the difference. Employees don’t just want a perfect algorithm; they want to feel understood, appreciated, and supported by the people they work with.
So, the real challenge for HR teams isn’t just adopting AI. It’s finding the balance – using technology to enhance the employee experience while keeping the heart of human connection alive.
Closing Thought
At the end of the day, personalization isn’t just about making employees feel special – it’s about helping them thrive. And when employees thrive, so do organizations. The question isn’t whether we’ll use AI to personalize employee experiences – it’s how well we’ll do it.
If you would like to discuss how we can help personalize employee experiences through AI in your organization, please get in touch with us today!
In the workplace, digital communication has become a staple. Emails are now sent in favor of phone calls, instant messages have replaced the slow back-and-forth of physical meetings, and having all of our work needs condensed onto apps on our phones means that we are always contactable at all times of the day.
However, too much of anything isn’t always good, as all these technological advancements do come with a price: ping fatigue.
‘Ping fatigue’ is a type of mental exhaustion which is brought on by constant notifications from work-related tools such as email, instant messaging apps, task management systems and calendar reminders. Employees are battling with a tsunami of pings all throughout their day that can lead to feelings of distraction and overwhelm that ultimately hinder their productivity and wellbeing – even though the goal of these time-saving services is to make life easier. And the lines become even more blurred when we consider remote and hybrid working arrangements, as the boundaries between work and home can sometimes start to blur in an unhealthy way that can make it hard to know when to truly switch off and silence those pings.
Interestingly, cognitive research has found that it takes an average of 23 minutes to refocus after an interruption. In other words, each new notification can actually end up disrupting an entire workflow, even though it is intended to be a gentle ping reminder. With micro-tasks constantly beckoning workers for their attention, this results in employees spiralling into a perpetual state of multitasking that will increase the likelihood of errors and stress.
So, what can employers be doing to help mitigate this rising ping fatigue?
Ping fatigue is becoming increasingly common in workplaces around the world. Although digital tools have transformed the way we work, they have also introduced new challenges for employers and employees alike. However, when used strategically, and with an emphasis on high-quality work and well-being rather than constant availability, these tools can help organizations foster a healthier and more fulfilling environment for everyone. If you would like to discuss how we can help foster this environment through mitigating ping fatigue, please get in touch with us today!
Not all employee turnover is detrimental. In fact, when an unreliable, high-maintenance, under-performing individual leaves, managers and colleagues alike will often breathe a sigh of relief.
However, when a top performer makes an abrupt departure, it can leave managers and their teams in a difficult situation:
However, organizations can take control of unplanned turnover by CHARM-ing their employees?
Most organizations have processes such as ‘Exit Interviews’ in place to try to understand why employees are leaving. But this is only part of the battle; employers must be able to swiftly enact CHARM-ing strategies to attract, retain, and develop their workforce.
The OrgShakers team has extensive experience in analyzing why employees are leaving, where they are going, and what will attract and retain your ideal employee.
If you would like insight into how Unplanned Turnover is impacting your organization – and guidance in developing your strategy to take control, please get in touch at:
Statistically, most of us will have a furry friend waiting for us at home; over half of UK adults and a whopping 66% of US households own a pet of some kind!
It’s very common for our pets to hold a special place in our heart, as they are considered just as important of a family member as anyone else. However, if an employee’s child were to fall ill or be in need, most employers would insist that they go and attend to them…but this isn’t necessarily the case when it comes to pets.
There is a bit of a grey area around the sudden need to have to care for any animal, as they don’t quite fall into the same category as needing to care for a family member…from a technical perspective. But from an emotional perspective, most employees would want to be able to care for their animals’ wellbeing, but it’s more than likely they wouldn’t be afforded the same leniency with paid time off (PTO) to do this.
Until now?
A new bill has recently been proposed in New York which updates the Earned Safe and Sick Time Act to allow workers to use sick leave to care for certain animals. If the bill were to go through, employees would be able to take time off for a “companion or service animal that needs medical diagnosis, care or treatment of a physical illness, injury or health condition”.
The proposition of this update stems from the fact that pets are able to significantly reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as lower blood pressure. They can also provide emotional support and a sense of purpose, and so naturally if our pet were to become unwell, an owner would become distressed. This emotional strain can then easily begin to spill over into one’s working life, which will ultimately lead to an impact on focus, productivity, and general wellbeing.
However, there is some division when it comes to the popularity of introducing such a policy; People Management conducted a LinkedIn poll which found that 55% of respondents were in favor of this policy but 45% were opposed, highlighting a significant divide.
In some ways, it might be strange to consider offering PTO to care for pets in the UK when only recently was the Carer’s Leave Act introduced, allowing employees to take up to a week of unpaid leave off to care for a member of their family. If at the moment only unpaid leave is being offered to care for an elderly or unwell family member, than it may seem like a jump to be offering paid leave to attend to a pet.
Or is it simply time for employers to be offering paid leave for both? With some states like New York offering ‘Paid Family Leave’ to care for an elderly parent with a serious health condition, and considering offering PTO for the care of sickly pets, is New York leading the way in understanding what employees need and what would attract them to a workplace?
We will have to wait and see.
What did you dream of becoming when you were a child?
And how close have you come to achieving that dream?
If your answer is “nowhere near” you’re not alone! In fact, only one in ten Americans say they are working their ‘dream job’.
This reality gives rise to frequent “if only…” moments for employees. “If only I’d stuck with that course.” “If only I’d studied for a different degree.” “If only I’d chosen that career path instead of this one.” The list goes on.
Research has found that a whopping 94% of employees regularly think about these alternate paths, with only 6% claiming they never or almost never entertain these thoughts. Indeed 21% of workers reported that they have these “if only” thoughts “often” or “almost always”!
And this is having a direct impact on business performance, as these employees tend to be more distracted, daydream more frequently, take breaks and days off more often, are less engaged, and are more likely to be searching for other jobs.
In today’s world, it’s easy to fall victim to this spiral of thoughts due to the multitude of choices we constantly face. LinkedIn’s Easy Apply option, for example, makes speculative applications for a new role simple and undemanding.
This may be a great way for an individual to scratch their “if only” itch, but it has driven a surge in the ‘apply anyway’ trend, with a 2023 report finding 73% of recruiters reporting a lack of qualified applicants for roles as the biggest challenge in the hiring process.
Given all of the above, it crucial for employers to address and redirect these “if only” thoughts into creative and innovative outputs. Here are some strategies to consider:
It’s natural for employees to occasionally wonder about alternate career paths. While harmless reflection can be beneficial, those who find themselves stuck in the past may need support to move forward. HR practitioners play a vital role in guiding employees through these thoughts and helping them find purpose and engagement in their current roles.
If you would like to discuss how we can help improve your employee engagement levels by optimizing the wonderment of “if only”, please get in touch with us.
Together, we can transform these reflections into productive and fulfilling experiences for your workforce.
OK, so what do you think the office is really for?
What was once seen as a logical and efficient way of working has now been brought into question by the “work-from-home” / “return-to-office” tug-of-war which has broken out between employees and business leaders in many organizations.
So, to work out where we’re going – we first need to rewind.
From the 15th-century scriptoriums of medieval monks to the modern skyscrapers dotting urban landscapes, the ‘office’ has always been in a shifting state with innovations like artificial light, telephones, typewriters, elevators, and computers progressively reshaping the working environment.
Then came the lockdown. An abrupt shift that turned traditional office dynamics upside down. Those able to work from home found their productivity and job satisfaction often increased. Today, nine in ten jobseekers say hybrid work is now as important as financial benefits.
This shift challenges employers to rethink how office spaces can boost productivity while supporting employee well-being in remote settings. The strategy for this transformation focuses on policy, place, and purposeful leadership:
Employers must recognize the benefits of hybrid and remote work, leveraging these models to optimize productivity rather than viewing them as obstacles. The purpose of the office is evolving, and it’s time to lead this change.
We are here to help you navigate this transformation, optimizing organizational effectiveness in hybrid work, crafting policies, and coaching leaders to meet your company’s unique needs and those of your workforce. So, to continue this conversation, you can either head over to our contact page, or reach out to me directly at
In today’s fast-paced, rapidly changing professional world, time is a precious commodity.
Balancing tight schedules and demanding workloads with the need for continuous personal development is a challenge that employees in high-demand roles face on a daily basis.
This is where microlearning can be a game-changer.
Microlearning is an innovative approach to education in corporate training. This method of learning delivers short, targeted learning sessions that help employees acquire new skills without lengthy time commitments.
For example, an employer using microlearning techniques might divide their training content into concise, manageable segments, each focusing on a specific skill or topic. These sessions will typically last a few minutes, and can take various formats such as videos, quizzes, or brief articles.
This approach aligns perfectly with busy schedules, offering employees the flexibility to learn during breaks or between tasks, ultimately improving their skillset in a succinct and digestible way.
So, how can employers start building microlearning strategies into their training programs?
However, it’s one thing to introduce microlearning techniques to your teams, but employers must also be committed to continuously gauge the success of the microlearning initiatives being used in order to continue to reap the benefits of increased knowledge, innovation, and productivity.
To do this, employers should be monitoring participation rates and general enthusiasm for microlearning programs (especially if using an app, as engagement with it can be measured easily). As well as this, consider conducting assessments to evaluate how well employees apply what they have learned, and be consistently gathering input from employees on how effective they believe the content is and what might make it more effective for them.
If you would like to discuss how we can help implement microlearning strategies into your training initiatives, please get in touch with us today!
The HR world has been known to love a buzzword – ‘quiet quitting’ immediately springs to mind as one from the previous years that has loomed particularly large.
And whilst buzzwords are inherently designed to be catchy, memorable phrases, they also signify potential issues that employees are having and help guide employers in the direction of identifying the root cause of these issues and correcting them.
So, in that spirit, let’s take a look back at some of the new, popular buzzwords and phrases that emerged in the last year, and see which of these may still be something for employers to look out for as we head into the bulk of 2025:
As we can see, there is some clear overlap in the above buzzwords and what may have ignited their creation, and it is also clear that many of the catalysts for these catchy phrases are still issues that employers are grappling with today…so, if you would like to discuss the causes surrounding these trends and how we can help manage them, please get in touch with us today!
Or, if you would prefer to have a chat with one of our experienced HR professionals immediately, you can now book in an hour slot with an OrgShaker of your choosing to discuss anything and everything to do with HR, where we can offer you immediate advice and strategies right there and then. To find out more, head over to the OrgShakers CL!CK page on our website.
There has been a lot of scaremongering in the media about the effects that AI integration will have on the workplace – the most notable statistic being that, according to a report from Goldman Sachs, 300-million jobs are predicted to be lost in American and European markets,.
However, delving deeper into the report reveals that just 7% of current US employment are predicted to be fully substituted by AI, with 30% unaffected, and 68% ‘complemented’ by its introduction.
Historically, workplace automation has often led to the creation of new roles or technology becoming ‘co-workers’ with us. For instance, the introduction of ATMs in the US in the late 1960s aimed to replace bank tellers and reduce branch space. Contrary to expectations, as ATMs proliferated, so did bank branches and tellers. The success of this relationship hinged on employees understanding how to leverage this technology to enhance efficiency and customer service.
As organizations introduce AI into the workplace, HR will play a pivotal role supporting these new co-worker relationships. As Melissa Swift describes in her book Work Here Now, HR will be ‘couples counsellors’ for humans and technology, coaching employees on how to successfully interact with newly integrated tech in order to optimize its (and their) abilities.
With AI potentially disrupting organizational structures, workflows, and processes, HR will ensure these changes maintain employee morale and productivity and secure future talent pipelines by enhancing company reputations. By being a pillar in this new coexistence, HR professionals will show how AI tools can help employees excel by promoting new behaviors, correcting habits, enhancing skills, and freeing up time for meaningful work by handling administrative tasks.
As we continue to watch AI integration in the workplace take shape, it is important for HR to get ahead of this curve and be proactive when it comes to managing the impacts of this new technological age. If you would like to discuss how OrgShakers can help you do this, please get in touch with me at