Ideas & Insights

We would like to share some of our latest thinking about the big issues in HR. Please let us know what you think …

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    21st October 2024

    How HR Can Foster a Culture of Cybersecurity

    With Cybersecurity Awareness Month in full swing, it’s the perfect time to examine a critical, yet often overlooked, aspect of an organization’s cybersecurity strategy: culture. While technical solutions and security protocols are essential, the human element—how people think, act, and interact with technology—can make or break an organization’s defences. This is where Human Resources comes […]

    Fi Cybersecurity Awareness
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    18th October 2024

    Creating a Menopause-Inclusive Workplace

    Menopause impacts half of the population at a certain point in their lives – in fact, by 2025, over 1 billion people globally will be in menopause. Unlike many other conditions, menopause is something that is guaranteed to affect a vast majority of people. And considering that most women will undergo menopause during their working […]

    Fi 1world Menopause Day
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    17th October 2024

    When Your New Hire Discovers They Were Second Choice

    For new employees, the elation of coming to the end of the hiring process and being offered a job can be such a rewarding feeling. Out of all the candidates that applied, they were the one who made it to the finish line. However, this elation can quickly fizzle out if they come to discover […]

    Fi Second Choice
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    16th October 2024

    The Power of the Hour: Introducing OrgShakers CL!CK

    You can do a lot in sixty minutes. In 1903, Orville and Wilbur Wright marked the dawn of aviation with FOUR successful powered flights in the space of just one hour! In 2020 Mo Farah set a world record by running 21,330 meters in 60 minutes. That’s an average speed of over 13 mph, which is faster […]

    Fi Cl!ck 3
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    10th October 2024

    What If Employers Didn’t Call It ‘Mental Health’?

    Mental health support has become a staple offering from employers in the contemporary world of work. This shift was greatly influenced by the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns, leading to more employees being granted access to Employee Assistance Programs and subscriptions to wellbeing apps as part of their benefit packages. However, despite this rising popularity, research […]

    Fi World Mental Health Day
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    09th October 2024

    Time to Say Goodbye to 9-to-5?

    Reid Hoffman, co-founder of popular social media platform LinkedIn, recently made the prediction that by 2034, the 9-to-5 job will be extinct. Hoffman is famed for his grand predictions; most notably, he predicted the mass rise of social media back in 1997 – something which has definitely come to fruition. Now, as we see the […]

    Fi 9 To 5
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    08th October 2024

    ‘Tinder Leave’: Time To Focus On Work-Love-Life Balance?

    The benefits that a company offers to their prospective employees play a huge role in attracting and retaining talent. But as we know, different generations are drawn to different types of benefits, and as Gen Z enter into the workforce in full force, we are starting to see the emergence of new, innovative benefits being […]

    Fi Tinder Leave
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    03rd October 2024

    The Great Detachment: How Can Employers Re-Engage Their Employees?

    A new trend has seemingly emerged amongst younger employees, and it’s being dubbed the ‘Great Detachment’. Taking inspiration for its name from the Great Resignation that happened post-pandemic, the Great Detachment is seeing increasing numbers of staff remaining in jobs that they don’t feel fulfilled or engaged by. Gallup’s State of the Workplace 2024 report […]

    Fi Great Detatchment
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    01st October 2024

    Racism in the Modern Workplace: How to Challenge Microaggressions 

    Black History Month creates space for all to reflect on the struggle of Black Americans and Black people across the world to get to where they are today. Battling through constant, overt oppression to be able to have the same rights that were automatically extended to their white counterparts has made it possible for Black […]

    Fi Bhm 2024
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    27th September 2024

    Are Voluntary Benefits the Key to a Happy Employee?

    We are all familiar with the idea that a happy employee is a more productive one. Smart employers are always taking into consideration rising trends, to ensure that their people are feeling valued and recognized – and one new component to improving employee happiness seems to be rising fast: voluntary benefits. Voluntary benefits – also […]

    Fi 1 Voluntary Benefits
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    25th September 2024

    ‘Doom Spending’: Do employers need to do more?

    We all enjoy a bit of retail therapy from time to time. But, while retail therapy is fine in moderation, a more alarming trend seems to be emerging amongst younger workers: “Doom Spending”. Doom Spending describes an anxiety-fuelled purchasing trend whereby a person has become so stressed about their finances that they are spending money […]

    Fi Doon Spending
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    23rd September 2024

    Embedding DEI into ESG

    If you have a business, are starting a business, or work for a business, you have likely come across the phrase ‘Environmental, Social & Governance’, or ESG. A company’s ESG agenda has never been more important. According to the third SEC Newgate ESG Monitor report, 77% of consumers agreed it was important for companies to […]

    Fi Esg
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