Research by the Centre for Aging Better has shown that, in the UK, 37% of people in their 50s and 60s in the UK have experienced age discrimination – predominantly in the workplace. And in the US, approximately two-thirds of over-50 adults believe older workers face age discrimination at work. It is, therefore, crucial for organizations to recognize and address this pervasive issue to foster a more inclusive and productive work environment.

Ageism often goes unnoticed, with casual comments and outdated assumptions perpetuating discrimination. With a third of the UK workforce being over 50, and nearly a quarter of the US workforce being over 55, HR professionals must take proactive steps to combat ageism and unlock the full potential of midlife employees.

Identifying Ageism in the Workplace

To effectively address ageism, HR professionals must first recognize its manifestations. Rest Less have identified seven common examples of ageism that happen in the workplace:

  1. Stereotyping: Assumptions or judgments based on age can affect both older and younger workers. Avoiding these stereotypes is crucial to creating a fair work environment.
  2. Marginalization: Often resulting from stereotyping, marginalization makes employees feel less important or valued. This sidelining can lead to decreased morale and productivity.
  3. Microaggressions: Subtle, often unintentional comments or behaviors that convey discriminatory messages. Both stereotyping and marginalization can be forms of microaggressions.
  4. Bias in Hiring Processes: Older candidates may be labeled as “overqualified” and overlooked for roles that don’t directly align with their experience and skill level.
  5. Rebranding Roles: Employers may inform older employees that their role is being phased out, only to advertise the same role under a different title and hire a younger candidate.
  6. Redundancy Selection: During redundancy processes, older employees may be offered voluntary redundancy based on the assumption that they will retire soon anyway.
  7. Harassment: Age harassment can take various forms, including the examples listed above. In extreme cases, it may escalate to explicit bullying.

Creating an Inclusive Workplace Culture

Organizations that understand how ageism manifests in the workplace are better equipped to challenge it. By fostering a culture of inclusion and respect, HR can create an environment where all employees feel welcome and valued. This type of culture enables employees to thrive and contribute their best work.

Benefits of an Age-Diverse Workforce

An age-diverse workforce brings numerous benefits to a company. Midlife workers offer a wealth of experience and age-inclusive perspectives that can expand an organization’s horizons. This is why it is so important for older workers to also be offered opportunities to learn and develop, as they have so much talent to offer, it may just need to be re-contextualized!

Taking Action

If you would like to discuss how we can help eradicate age discrimination from your workplace and unlock the potential of a diversely-aged team, please get in touch with us. Together, we can create a more inclusive and productive work environment.

Last year, we asked the OrgShakers team what practices and ideologies they thought employers should be leaving behind as they ventured into the New Year.

Now, as another year comes to a close, we wanted to see what they believe should be left behind in 2024 in order to help propel sustainability and growth in the year to come:

  • Our Founder David Fairhurst believes that the end of the year is a great time for HR leaders to be considering their key areas of focus for 2025, and this includes looking at what practices should be left behind in order to foster more innovative, inclusive, and employee-centric workplaces. This could be done by adopting outcome-centered models of managing performance, or placing a greater focus on strategic workforce planning to ensure the workforce is a future fit, or even looking into comprehensive wellbeing strategies to avoid employee burnout, to name a few. But what’s important to remember when looking at new practices is to be realistic, and this can be done by thinking of HR strategic objectives on three levels:
    • What are the basics that need to be maintained?
    • What are the areas that must continuously improve?
    • What are the big moves we need to focus on which will offer a transformative impact?
  • Anya Clitheroe would like to stop hearing managers complaining about the Gen Z workforce! This year she has heard so many managers making the blanket statement that Gen Z have been spoilt and they don’t want to work hard or that they don’t show any initiative. Instead, Anya would like them to find a way to engage the younger workforce in a way that interests them. Have they clearly communicated ways of working expectations, and have they found out what does motivate them? At the very least, they need to see that not every Gen Z can be identical in their workstyle preferences!
  • Speaking of leaders, Marty Belle believes that employers should leave behind rigidity and paternalistic leadership operating styles. These areas of inflexibility include enforcing Return to Work practices in cases where remote workers are more productive, or only offering fixed work schedules without taking into consideration some workers may not be morning people and would choose to work mid-day rather than early morning. Additionally, more flexible scheduling would accommodate childcare needs and parental involvement in their children’s extracurricular activities.
  • Building on this, Lauren Kincaid believes that employers should be leaving behind a one-size-fits all approach when it comes to employment policies and employee benefits. The more personalized the employment experience, the more seen, heard and valued an employee feels, resulting in better employee engagement, loyalty and performance.
  • Echoing Marty’s sentiment of rigidity, Sayid Hussein also believes employers should leave behind in 2024 a “9-to-5, in-office only” mentality. With advancements in technology and changing workforce dynamics, it’s time to embrace flexible working arrangements that prioritize outcomes over hours. Trusting employees to manage their time fosters creativity, improves retention, and acknowledges the diverse realities of modern life.
  • Speaking of mindsets, Karen Cerrato believes that employers should be leaving behind short-term thinking. Whether at a corporate level or a management level, if we want longevity out of our employees, Kanen believes that need to start thinking strategically and long term. The days of people staying in a job for 10 yrs + “just because”, are long gone; we need to give them a reason to want to stay:  
    • Reactive decision-making: Shift toward proactive strategies that prioritize long-term growth and stability.
    • Underinvestment in talent: Invest in professional development and career growth opportunities for employees.
    • Top-down communication only: Foster two-way communication to engage employees and encourage innovation.
  • Amanda Holland believes that employers need to be conducting their final Covid pandemic clean up: it’s time to finish assessing any processes or procedures developed specifically during the pandemic. Operationalize any efficiencies your company will be keeping by ensuring the language is up-to-date and free from pandemic references. Eliminate those policies, processes, and procedures that are no longer needed or applicable.
  • Ken Merritt believes that employers should be leaving behind ‘reluctance’. Several companies have been slow to hire and fast to retire because there has been a ‘cloud of reluctance’ hanging over the economy since 2022 – it’s time for employers to be leaving that behind for good in 2024.
  • Therese Procter knows that 2024 has been a very challenging year, with the key topics of remote working, political uncertainty, and the skills gap taking many of the highlight spots. But an area that she believes is often pushed down the agenda (whether this be due to the amount of effort and/or cost it requires) is mental and financial wellbeing. That’s why she believes that employers should be leaving behind poor and ineffective mental health support strategies and programs that are outdated and not fit for purpose, and instead take on a fresh approach to wellbeing this new year that better supports mental and financial aspects of life.

If you would like to get in touch with us about any of the points raised by our team, or if you have a different concerns that you were hoping to leave in 2024 and need assistance in shedding it, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today!

Equally, if you want some on-demand advice and strategies, why not book in a 1-hour private consultation with one of our seasoned HR professionals? Take a look at our OrgShakers CL!CK service for more details!

From all of us at OrgShakers, we wish you a happy and prosperous New Year!

Learning and development (L&D) opportunities are crucial for attracting and retaining talent. IMC research reveals that 92% of job candidates use L&D opportunities as a deciding factor when evaluating job offers, and 52% of employees have left roles due to insufficient personal or professional development opportunities.

So why are developmental opportunities for older workers scarce?

The root cause is ageism—be it direct, subtle, intentional, or unconscious. Preconceived notions about aging individuals hinder their career growth and must be addressed to unlock the potential of a significant workforce segment.

Currently, nearly one-third (32%) of workers are aged 50 or above. Despite this , 34% of these employees are unsatisfied with the few developmental opportunities available, and almost half (48%) believe their age prevents them from securing better jobs.

These barriers are actually unconscious biases tied to ageism. Managers may perceive midlife workers as overqualified, not tech-savvy, or too expensive to employ.

Such stereotypes perpetuate the belief that midlife workers lack the desire to learn, develop, and advance in their careers, which is far from true. Just under 30% of people who are 55 and over want to improve their skills but hesitate to request support from their employers.

And that’s just those who already want to improve. If all midlife workers were aware of available L&D opportunities, many more would likely be interested!

Employers who recognize and address these biases stand to benefit significantly from age inclusivity. This starts with incorporating inclusivity into hiring strategies, enabling access to diverse talent. Moreover, intergenerational teams are proven to be happier, foster mutual mentoring, and enhance customer satisfaction.

From both business and social perspectives, overcoming workplace ageism is a strategic move for any company.

If you would like to discuss how we can integrate age inclusivity into your hiring strategy and company culture, please get in touch with us.

Menopause impacts half of the population at a certain point in their lives – in fact, by 2025, over 1 billion people globally will be in menopause.

Unlike many other conditions, menopause is something that is guaranteed to affect a vast majority of people. And considering that most women will undergo menopause during their working years, it is so important for employers to be building an inclusive and supportive workplace where those going through menopause can continue to thrive.

Menopause can have a huge impact on someone’s life – so much so that guidance from the Equality and Human Rights Commission says that symptoms of menopause can be considered a disability if they have a long-term and substantial impact on a woman’s ability to carry out-day-day activities. And the data proves this – 23% of employees going through menopause considered resigning due to its impact, and 14% said they were planning to hand in their notice, according to research from the end of last year from SimplyHealth.

And it’s not just having effects on turnover, but productivity too. Recent studies reveal that the economic impact of menopause in the US is over $26 billion, with $1.8 billion specifically attributed to the loss of productivity due to debilitating symptoms. Therefore, those employers who are designing and implementing tailored support strategies for menopausal staff will be best equipped to mitigate the negative ripple effects it can have on their business, all the while showcasing a genuine care for the health and wellbeing of their workforce.

So, what are the key components needed to create a menopause-inclusive workforce?

  • Flexibility – menopause can commonly cause symptoms such as hot flushes and physical discomfort, and when this happens during work it can really affect someone’s ability to engage and be productive. Therefore, offering those staff members some flexibility – such as relaxed dress codes or the use of handheld fans – can be so helpful for regulating these symptoms and making them feel comfortable whilst at work.
  • Awareness – menopause has been a taboo subject for a long time, and only now are we starting to be educated around it. It’s therefore important for employers to be committed to furthering this education, offering staff access to learning resources and/or hosting training workshops to create a working environment that encourages this topic to be openly discussed so that it can be better understood.
  • Support Networks – having Employee Resource Groups where employees can seek advice around menopause, share experiences, and learn through their peers can be such a great way of highlighting a specified safe space to talk freely and openly without fear of being judged or feeling embarrassed. This can also really help those employees feel valued by their employer, as there is a dedicated resource available for them to seek support as and when needed.
  • Preparation – discussions around menopause should be proactive just as much as they are reactive. For those younger female employees, it’s important for them to be aware of what to expect later in life when menopause starts, as this can help to demystify the process and reduce that sense of anxiety associated with something that is ambiguous and unknown.

By implementing these components into the fabric of your diversity, equity, and inclusion strategy, employers will be able to foster a workplace that challenges the long-standing taboos around menopause and instead invites open and honest dialogue which can help employees better understand the support available to them. If you would like to discuss how we can help build these support policies, please get in touch with me at

You can accomplish remarkable things in just sixty minutes.

In 1969, Neil Armstrong’s first steps and initial exploration on the moon took about an hour.

In 2020 Mo Farah set a world record by running 21,330 meters in 60 minutes. That’s an average speed of over 13 mph, which is faster than most of us can run if we sprint just 100 meters. He just maintained that pace for a whole hour – try that on your next fun run!

Alternatively, you could make yourself a delicious meal of Beef Tacos with Homemade Guacamole. Our favorite recipe takes about an hour from ‘fridge to fork.

What we see here is that while sixty minutes might not seem that long – the length of a team meeting, a workout at the gym, or an episode of your favorite podcast – it can also be incredibly productive and even transformative.

At OrgShakers, we champion The Power of the Hour … 60 minutes where leaders can brainstorm, gain expert insights, or get the unbiased feedback needed to spark something extraordinary. After all, every major breakthrough began with an idea and someone ready to listen.

That’s why we’re excited to introduce our new consulting service: OrgShakers CL!CK.

OrgShakers CL!CK offers a one-hour, private and confidential online consultation with one of our experienced HR professionals. It’s perfect for those moments when you need advice to tackle a new challenge, to test and refine your HR strategy, or simply to try out new ideas to see what resonates.

With extensive global corporate experience, our team is equipped to provide guidance on any HR-related question, whether you’re dealing with everyday tactical issues or complex strategic concerns.

If you would like to learn more about this service and book in time with one of our team members, head over to

There’s often a misconception that older workers are ‘set in their ways’ and less adaptable to change – and yet, research shows that around 30% of people who are 55 and over actively want to improve their skills but feel unable to ask for help. Pair this with the fact that 34% of these employees are dissatisfied with developmental opportunities, and what you find is an opportunity for employers to boost the productivity, engagement, and overall satisfaction of their older workers.

Workers over 50 make up a third of the UK workforce and 19% over 65 currently working in the US, so it’s more apparent than ever that midlife workers bring just as much to the table as their younger counterparts – in addition to more varied and deeper experience. However, with the increasing pace of change, learning and development opportunities for older workers has been inconsistent, but is paramount in taking their knowledge and transferable skills to align with the needs of the workplace today and tomorrow.

I believe the best and most efficient way of identifying and supporting areas that midlife workers want to develop is through the use of coaching.

Employers and employees can sometimes fall into the trap of believing that coaching is only available for those in certain positions or those with potential to be in those positions, but this isn’t the case. Coaching is a way, either on an individual basis or as a team, to help employees of all ages to discover more about themselves, how to work at their best and how to overcome obstacles.

If we look at midlife workers in particular, there are many benefits for offering coaching:

  • Boosting Confidence, Morale and Performance – transitioning to new methodologies or adopting new technologies can be intimidating. Coaching provides a supportive environment where employees can express concerns, overcome fears and find a way to move forward, bringing others with them. This boost in confidence leads to increased job satisfaction, performance and a positive view of change.
  • Skills Enhancement and Adaptation – coaching can help older employees update their skills and learn new ones. This is particularly crucial at a time where the pace of change has increased exponentially, resulting in a large proportion of employees suffering from change fatigue. Through individual coaching, older workers can understand their learning style and improve focus, ensuring they remain competitive and effective in their roles, and continually being considered for new opportunities.
  • Promoting Inclusion – by investing in the development of older workers, organizations uphold their commitment to inclusivity and diversity. Coaching helps to challenge stereotypes and reduce age-related biases, fostering a more inclusive workplace culture where employees of all ages feel valued and respected.

Coaching midlife workers is a worthwhile investment for now and the future, as the return far outweighs the cost when matched and managed well. Here at OrgShakers, we have a wide range of experience when it comes to the inclusion and optimization of your midlife employees as we see how much potential these workers have. Everyone just needs the right support and opportunity to be able to share and build on their knowledge and experience.

If you would like to discuss the coaching and inclusion services we can offer in more detail, please get in touch with me at or through our website here

37% of people in their 50s and 60s in the UK have experienced age discrimination in the past year, most commonly in the workplace. And in the US around two-thirds of over-50 adults believe older workers are facing age discrimination at work.

Ageism has always been something that seemingly slips through the cracks. Throwaway comments and outdated assumptions continue to allow this discrimination to be perpetuated, but with a third of the UK workforce being over 50, and nearly a quarter of the US workforce being over 55, employers have a responsibility to be clamping down on ageism at work if they want to unlock the full potential of their midlife workers.

But in order to do this, employers first need to know what to be looking for. Our friends at Rest Less have identified seven common examples of ageism that happen in the workplace:

  1. Stereotyping – this can affect both older and younger workers and is where assumptions or judgements are made about people based on their age.
  2. Marginalisation – usually the result of stereotyping, and happens when someone is made to feel  less important than others in society. They’re essentially sidelined and made to feel small.
  3. Microaggressions – theseare subtle, often unintentional, comments or behaviours that convey discriminatory messages. Both stereotyping and marginalisation can be examples of microaggressions.
  4. Bias in Hiring Process – many over 50s looking to transition into roles that don’t directly align with their experience and skill level may also be branded by employers as ‘overqualified’ – and overlooked as a result.
  5. Rebranding Roles – role rebranding isn’t unusual and is an example of ageism that sees older employees being informed that their role is being phased out because it’s no longer needed at the company…a company will then advertise the same role under a different title and hire a younger candidate.
  6. Redundancy Selection – in situations where companies are making redundancies, some companies will make voluntary redundancy offers to older employees based on assumptions that “they will be retiring soon anyway”.
  7. Harassment – age harassment can take various forms, including all of the examples listed above. But, in extreme cases, it may escalate to explicit bullying.

Employers that are well-versed in how ageism presents in the workplace are going to be the ones who are most prepared to challenge it. And by doing so, they will be creating a work environment where everyone feels like they are welcome and that they belong, and this is the type of culture where employees thrive.

This is all without mentioning the many positives that having an age-diverse workforce can bring to a company – midlife workers will have a lot of experience under their belt, as well as age-inclusive perspectives that will help expand their employer’s marketing horizons. This is why it is so important for older workers to also be offered opportunities to learn and develop, as they have so much talent to offer, it may just need to be re-contextualized!

If you would like to discuss how we can help eradicate age discrimination from your workplace and unlock all the potential of a diversely-aged team, please get in touch with us.

Learning and development (L&D) opportunities are a driving force when it comes to attracting and retaining talent. Research by the IMC found that 92% of job candidates use L&D opportunities as a deciding factor when considering job offers – as well as 52% of employees having left a role due to a lack of personal or professional development opportunities.

So why are there less developmental opportunities for older workers?

The answer is ageism – whether it be direct or subtle, purposeful or unconscious, there are pre-existing notions about someone when they reach a certain age. These notions act as barriers to career growth that need to be challenged and erased in order to unlock all of the potential of such a large proportion of the workforce.

Almost one-third of workers (32%) are now aged 50 or over. And yet, despite there being such a large presence of midlife workers in the UK workforce, 34% of these employees are unsatisfied with the few developmental opportunities available to them. And almost half (48%) say that their age is stopping them from getting a better job.

But what is really stopping them are these unconscious biases rooted in ageism. Managers may assume midlife workers are overqualified for a role, or assume that they aren’t tech-savvy, or that they will be too expensive to hire…

These are just a handful of stereotypes that perpetuate the ideology that midlife workers no longer have an appetite to learn, develop, and grow in their career – when the reality is the opposite! Just under 30% of people who are 55 and over want to improve their skills but are daunted by the idea of asking their employer to help.

And this is just those that already want to improve. If all midlife workers knew that there were learning and development opportunities on offer to them, think about many more would be interested!

Employers who are recognizing these biases and actively working towards erasing them are the ones who are going to be able to reap all the business benefits that age inclusivity has to offer. This starts by weaving this inclusivity into their hiring strategy, as this will give them access to the best and most diverse talent available. And if that isn’t enough, intergenerational teams are proven to be happier, to foster two-way mentoring relationships, and to increase customer satisfaction.

From a business perspective, as well as a social one, shattering the glass ceiling on ageism in the workplace is the smartest move a company can make.

If you would like to discuss how we can help weave age inclusion into your hiring strategy and company culture, please get in touch with us.

Benefit programs play a pivotal role in attracting and retaining talent – but how can you ensure that your benefits programs meet the diverse needs of employees of different ages?

Currently, there are four different generations in the workforce: so what does each generation value most?


Born between 1946 – 1964, the boomers are well into their midlife. And yet, it is no secret that a lot of mature workers are still active, with 25% of the US workforce being comprised of those aged 58 and above. This is largely due to the fact that people are living longer and healthier lives, and so are better able to work to retirement and beyond.

Therefore, it may come as no surprise that the benefits these people tend to value most are health related – health insurance, dental and vision coverage, as well as retirement plans and discounts on health services (such as chiropractic care).

Generation X:

This generation make up the highest percentage of executive roles, as well as being typically very skilled and specialized. While they have most likely paid off any student debts, they usually have families to support financially and emotionally, and so the benefits they value the most reflect this.

Gen Xers look for 401K plans with matching benefits, opportunities for advancement and opportunities for work-life balance. This would make the offering of increased time off or sabbatical particularly attractive to this generation. As well as being parents and supporting their young-adult children, this generation are likely to have unpaid caring duties towards their elderly parents, and so having specific benefits to help with this caregiving would also be incredibly attractive to this group.


Millennials are those born between 1981 – 1995, and currently make up the majority of the US workforce, at 35%. This group of people are starting to grow their families, pay back student loans and purchase property, and so the benefits they tend to value the most are paid time off, flexible spending for dependent care and health, flexible working schedules, and financial advice.

A survey found that among millennials who already had children, 72% of them cited that the lack of affordable childcare was a barrier to meeting their career goals. When paired with student loan debts and the rising prices of housing, basing your benefit programs around financial assistance in these areas will be extremely enticing to this generation of the workforce.

Generation Z:

The most recent influx into the workforce, Gen Z currently only make up 5% of it in the US, but the number is quickly rising. The youngest generation are bringing with them a new attitude towards working life, and prioritize boundaries and balance so that they can indulge in a personal life and avoid physical and mental burnout from being overworked, as seen from the quiet quitting phenomenon.

They value many similar benefits to millennials – paid time off, student loan assistance, flexible working options – but are also the most socially progressive of any generation. A lot of Gen Z candidates are looking for what mental health support services companies are offering, as well as how diverse and inclusive they are, as this reflects the type of culture they will be working in.

Even though different generations want different things, there are ways of appealing to them all through your benefit programs. One way of approaching this is offering a standardized set that considers a key element from each, therefore making you more attractive as an employer to a larger population of workers.

Another way you could do this is by working with your HR team to design benefit programs to support and meet your people in various seasons of life. There are strategic ways you can vary your benefit plan offerings, while managing your benefit compliance responsibilities.

With the cost-of-living crisis happening in real time, understanding the needs of the workforce is paramount to finding, securing, and retaining the right talent for your business. So, if you need detailed guidance on how to design strong, appealing benefit programs, get in touch with us here or with me directly at

Copyright OrgShakers: The global HR consultancy for workplace transformation founded by David Fairhurst in 2020

I found myself smiling recently as my lovely mum, Nora – who is 84 – declared her absolute exasperation that her doctor had not prescribed her a medication she thought she absolutely should have.

So, why was I smiling?

Her request had been for hormone replacement therapy – HRT!

As I poured us both a cup of tea, I was really intrigued as to how the conversation had gone.

She shared with her doctor that I was on HRT and that I had been free of joint pain and other menopause-related symptoms. Although I had been sceptical to try it, I now advocated it and as a result she thought she would like it too. He asked why she felt the need to try it now and she said: “Because I want to feel at my best for as long as I can”.

His response to her really warmed me. “You are a beautiful woman. You are 84. And you are a perfect example of a post-menopausal woman in the springtime of her life. You need sun, and smiles, and daily doses of whatever it is you are already doing.”

My mum was of a generation that did not talk about the menopause through both stigma and shame and never complained when the obvious symptoms presented themselves.

They just ‘got on with it’.


I love that mum is full of energy and life and no longer ashamed to talk about the personal stuff.

So, as we mark World Menopause Day, it is a missed opportunity if we ‘just get on with it’. Today should be a celebration – an opportunity to recognise we are in the springtime of our lives!

Because there is more support than ever for us to open up about how the change in our bodies impact our physical, biological, and psychological state.

I have been an Ambassador, an Ally and – so I have been told – very loud in sharing the knowledge and insights I have on the topic across boardrooms and organizations in every sector. The menopause does not discriminate, 100% of females will face it and my hope is that they will embrace it.

As an organisation, OrgShakers have taken to the topic of midlife very seriously as there is a commercial benefit to every business for doing so.

For the first time in history, one third of the global workforce is over 50! That alone is staggering when you think of the paradigm shift in thinking for the policies, processes and programs that need to support and enhance everyone to be at their best.

If you need some help on starting to support those undergoing these midlife changes at work, here are five things you can do as a leader:

  1. Develop and/or review existing policies – remembering that there is no one-size-fits-all approach as every person’s journey with menopause is unique
  2. Train your line managers in understanding what menopause is and how to recognise and support it
  3. Raise awareness – this can be done through a variety of means, whether that be having informative flyers/posters, organising educational talks/seminars, or through the use of an internal intranet forum.
  4. Introduce a menopause/midlife Ambassador
  5. Foster an inclusion mindset – this can only flourish in a workplace culture that is open, honest and makes people feel comfortable to share and seek help

And please do get in contact with me at to keep the conversation alive.

Copyright OrgShakers: The global HR consultancy for workplace transformation founded by David Fairhurst in 2020

In June Carers Week 2022 published a report highlighting the challenges facing working carers in the UK.

To discuss the implications for employers, I brought together Vivek Patni, CEO of care service access provider WeMa, and Max Lintott, UK General Manager of financial wellbeing platform Wagestream.

Both WeMa and Wagestream are actively engaged in helping working carers cope with the burden of caring for sick or elderly relatives, and their perspective on the report’s findings were enlightening and provocative!

Here is a brief extract from our conversation:


One statistic that stood out to me in the Carers Week report is that workers on lower incomes are disproportionately impacted by the need to provide unpaid care for a loved one – 34% of carers with an annual household income of £20,000 or less are caring for over 20 hours a week, compared to 24% of carers from higher income households.

For me that cuts right to the heart of why employers need to help their people on lower incomes access services and manage their day-to-day finances.

Because you’re more likely to face mental health issues due to your inability to be able to get the help you need, or to speak up about the problems you’re facing, because of the fear of losing your job, or whatever it might be.


I think there are two angles to this.

Firstly, the number of people now caring for their family has significantly increased; there were 4.5 million additional informal carers in the UK in the 6 months from the start of Covid back in early 2020 (2.6 million of these were working carers). Did you know, by 2025 there will be more adults of working age with adult dependents compared with child dependents?

As well has having little knowledge of how to care, finding time to do so around work, and not being paid for the care they deliver, two-thirds of these carers are in fact using their own income and savings to cover the cost of care for their loved ones, 40% of which are struggling to make ends meet. It’s these people that we’re really trying to support with the WeMa service, because they’re struggling massively.

Secondly, there’s the shortage of professional care workers – and the challenge you’ve got there is that it’s a very low paid job. This is one of the biggest factors as to getting more people coming into those jobs, but it’s also a very difficult, demanding job which must be respected much more than it currently is. The lack of professional carers puts more pressure back on the informal carer.

To build on what you were saying about the impact on these people, Therese, other research has shown that 54% of carers suffer from negatively impacted financial wellbeing, 70% suffer with mental ill health, and 60% struggle with physical ill health due to the burden of delivering that care.


Add to that the fact that the Carers Week report says that more than 10.5 million adults in the UK are now acting as unpaid carers. I mean, there are only 12 million frontline workers in the UK and there are only around 30 million employees in all, so around a third of the total workforce are impacted by this.

And the burden will often fall on lower-income households which aren’t given access to affordable private healthcare to help.


I think that’s why this conversation is really timely. If you look at the social care market, everyone’s trying to figure out how are people going to fund their care moving forward, because they’ll definitely be a very limited amount of money going into it through the state.

The cost per hour of privately funded homecare can range anything from £19 to £30 per hour – the average is estimated to be £21.50. So, based on 2 hours a day, 5 days a week of care required for an individual who’s got, say, early-stage dementia, that’s about £13,500 a year.

So, the question is what kind of support can we put in place around access to care services and the finances to pay for that care?


We also have to remember that some of that support is short term. If an elderly relative has just come out of hospital I don’t need six weeks off, but I desperately need two or three days.

So, I think the thing that employees want more than anything, is some flexibility. And what you’re both giving in different ways is a new flexibility for people to be able to shape and live their lives.

Vivek, your WeMa service is helping working carers to connect quickly and simply with healthcare providers in the community, removing the massive stress and distraction of accessing the services their loved ones need.

And Max, Wagestream, for example, might be helping someone in a situation where they’ve just had to fork out £50 or £60 on some stuff from Amazon that’s going to help an elderly person coming out of hospital live their life a bit easier. When you’re on £20,000 or less, you’re a frontline worker, and you’ve budgeted every single penny, and you’ve got all the utilities going up, how can you afford this stuff that then comes on top? Being able to access the wages you’ve already earned can be a lifesaver in that kind of situation.


I’d like to add to that too. We’re now finalizing an income protection insurance to cover people on zero-hours contracts for sick leave.

On a zero-hours contract if you don’t do any hours you don’t get any money, right? So, there’s a very innovative insurance company we’re working with to underwrite it so that you can insure yourself very cheaply – it’s hopefully going to be something like £2.00-3.00 a month to insure yourself for a set number of weeks’ pay if you get sick.

We’re still ironing out the details but could imagine a very similar product to insure against time off for care.


I think the bottom line here is that there’s no money from state to support working carers – and there’s going to be limited funding for social care going forward.

So, it’s going to come down to employers giving their people the support they need to deal with it in their own way. I wonder what incentives the government could give to businesses to stimulate business-backed support?


And I think the more we can get that into the mindset of the CEOs and the board – the people that are making decisions around the table – the better, because this has got to go faster up the agenda.

It shouldn’t be this difficult for working carers!


If you’d like to find out more about any of the issues we were discussing, please contact me:

Copyright OrgShakers: The global HR consultancy for workplace transformation founded by David Fairhurst in 2020

In both the US and the UK employers are waking up to the fact that the workforce is ageing. And they should, because for the first time in history, over 1/3rd of the working population are over 50!

There is growing evidence, however, that organizations on both sides of the Atlantic are failing to act.

In the UK the Chartered Management Institute (CIM) works with business and education to inspire people to become skilled leaders.

Their research found that although 85% of managers taking part in a recent survey said their organization was age inclusive, only 5% reported proactive efforts to recruit older workers.

Ann Francke, the CMI’s chief executive, described this as “a wake-up call for all organizations to practice what they preach”.

Meanwhile, in the US AARP is the nation’s largest nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering Americans 50 and older to choose how they live as they age.

In a recent interview AARP’s CEO, Jo Ann Jenkins, highlighted that “78% of our members recently surveyed told us they had faced some type of age discrimination in the last year … Yet, at the same time, older people are going to be the solution for many companies that are trying to hire people to deal with labor shortages and bring folks back into the workplace.”

OrgShakers’ Therese Procter reflected at the end of last year that “for many years the HR community (me included!) put our energy, focus and effort on progressive processes and practices that were supporting the needs of the younger working generation. Many of these innovations were ground-breaking – especially around maternity/paternity, IVF, adoption, childcare, etc. – and we should be proud of what we achieved.

“However, the ageing workforce means that we now have to widen our focus to meet the wellbeing and mental health needs of those in midlife and to consider how they can help them to live their best life while performing their job.”

As a proud midlife HR practitioner, Therese’s aim – along with her likeminded OrgShakers colleagues around the world – is to shine a light for employers on the issues people face at midlife and to provide education, policies, training, seminars, and guidelines to ensure organizations can maximize the performance of an age diverse workforce.

If you would like to know more, please get in touch:

Copyright OrgShakers: The global HR consultancy for workplace transformation founded by David Fairhurst in 2020

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