‘Sorry, not feeling 100%, need to leave the meeting’ was a text that Vicky Gooden had to send her boss who was sitting across the room one Monday morning where the president of the organization she worked for was hosting his weekly all-staff meeting.
This was because on numerous occasions, although more typically around the time of her period, Vicky was in so much pain that she was unable to physically remain for the whole duration of the meeting and would excuse herself to escape to the nearest bathroom and sit on the floor, doubled-over in pain, rocking back and forth until the feeling subsided.
This is the reality for many women who are currently living with endometriosis.
Endometriosis is a chronic medical condition that affects roughly 10% of the global population – this is equivalent to 190 million women and girls. As witnessed by Vicky’s own experiences, it can cause severe pain, fatigue, and other debilitating symptoms which can oftentimes affect a woman’s ability to work.
Despite its wide prevalence, endometriosis remains widely misunderstood in professional environments, which can in turn lead to unnecessary challenges for employees who have this condition.
So, what are some tailored support strategies that employers should be using to help support those staff who suffer with endometriosis?
Endometriosis is a real and challenging condition that affects millions of workers like Vicky on a day-to-day basis. As employers, it is our duty to ensure that all employees, regardless of their health conditions, are given the tools and flexibility they need to thrive in the workplace. By implementing tailored strategies, employers can create a more inclusive and supportive environment for those living with endometriosis.
A healthier workplace benefits everyone, and investing in employee wellbeing is always a step in the right direction. If you would like to discuss how we can help you create and implement these tailored support strategies for those employees with endometriosis, please get in touch with me at
A couple of years ago when I was at the hospital, the doctor noticed that my heart rate would drop quite significantly and wanted to do further tests. However, I assured him that this was quite normal for me and showed him the data that my health ring had been measuring for the past couple of years.
After taking a look at it, he agreed that there was, in fact, nothing to worry about, and was able to send me on my way.
It was then that I realised what a revolution health technology was becoming.
Not only did I now have instantaneous access to various points of real-time data about myself, but I was able to use this data in medical settings to make my health checks more efficient and informed.
This got me thinking – is this the future of the modern workplace? Should companies be considering the reality of taking health insurance to a whole new level, and actually ensuring the health of their employees by offering them access to a product that can measure their health diagnostics?
Well, that’s how I came to discover Alula Health’s new product VivaScore.
VivaScore offers revolutionary technology when it comes to tracking employee health, as it’s specifically designed for employers to be able to turn workforce health data into actionable insights that will help drive better business decisions. It uses a cutting-edge facial scan that takes no more than 30 seconds to complete, and from this is able to offer instant insights on things such as blood pressure, cardiovascular risk, stress, and even mental wellbeing.
Employers are then able to track their company’s health as a whole through the insights received, and can use these data points to start guiding prevention and intervention services if needed. They can also use ‘nudges’ to help encourage their employees towards better health.
VivaScore offers employers a sense of insurance over the health of their teams, as well as a much more detailed and tailored insight into how they can actually best support their workers on an individualised basis.
I know how difficult it can be to truly support the wellbeing of every single employee at all times – people are complex, and their needs can be even more complex, and so it can be challenging for an employer to devote the time and energy needed to each individual person. But now, with a health tracking app like VivaScore, employers will be able to see instantly who needs health support, whether this be from something physical, or something mental. And with more than two-thirds of employees feeling stressed at work, there is no better time for employers to have access to a tool that can tell them who is stressed and how to help reduce this so that they can continue working at their best and feel their best.
And what’s even better, being able to offer a service like VivaScore as an employee benefit will help companies stand out to employees. With the rise of health rings, Fitbits, and Apple Watches (as I said, I’m a health ring wearer myself!), it’s become trendy for people to invest in AI-based health technology – so those companies offering access to it as a benefit are likely to prevail as the most attractive ones to work at.
To find out more about VivaScore and the future of employee wellness, be sure to attend our upcoming webinar where we discuss how to transform employee wellness with myself, the CEO and Chief Medical Officer at Check4Cancer Professor Gordon Wishart, as well as Managing Director of Alula Health Simon Spurr and Head of Sales and Growth at Alula Health Jon Cooke on Tuesday 4th March at 3PM UK time.
In the meantime, if you have any burning questions about VivaScore and its impact for your company, feel free to shoot me an email at
Eating disorders can often be a taboo topic in the workplace, laden with misconceptions that prevent employers from addressing them effectively.
However, these disorders are more common than many realize, affecting around 1.25 million people in the UK, and almost 30 million in the US.
Contrary to the stereotype that eating disorders mainly impact teenage girls, adults are more frequently affected, with 25% of sufferers being men. This means that it’s quite likely some employees may be silently struggling, leading to increased absences and decreased productivity.
Identifying employees at risk can be challenging since many with eating disorders do not appear visibly underweight. While anorexia is often the most recognized eating disorder, others such as bulimia, binge eating, and ‘Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorders (OSFED)’ can be more easily concealed.
For HR professionals, understanding the signs and knowing how to respond is crucial. Here are some symptoms that may indicate an employee is dealing with an eating disorder:
When these signs are coupled with changes in productivity and engagement, it’s important for the employee’s line manager to address the issue. The best approach is to set up a one-on-one meeting, focusing on the employee’s performance rather than directly diagnosing them with an eating disorder. This helps to avoid making the employee feel accused and allows them to lead the conversation, which can help bring the issue to light naturally.
How HR Can Support Employees with Eating Disorders
If it becomes apparent that an employee is struggling with an eating disorder, it’s essential to reassure them that the goal is to support, not judge. Here are steps HR professionals can take:
Addressing eating disorders in the workplace is not just about improving productivity but also about fostering a supportive and inclusive environment. By challenging the taboos and providing the necessary support, HR professionals can make a significant difference in the lives of their employees.
If you would like to discuss how we can help boost productivity through the implementation of policies around mental well-being in your workplace, please get in touch with us.
The start of a new year often brings a surge of enthusiasm fuelled by ambitious resolutions. Employees will enter January with fresh goals, heightened motivation, and the determination to transform their personal and professional lives.
As February rolls in, that initial spark can begin to dim; those resolutions that someone set out to achieve may have started to slip away, and suddenly they find themself feeling deflated as reality settles back in. Change is a great thing, and goals are important to set, but if these goals are not realistic (as many resolutions tend to be!) then this can result in feeling disappointment, frustration, and emotional fatigue.
Emotional Health Awareness Day presents a timely opportunity for employers. Rather than viewing it as a day off or a wellness checkbox, it could be considered a strategic moment for employers to engage with their teams through thoughtful check-ins – essentially, mini coaching sessions that can reenergize your employees, acknowledge their efforts, and support their emotional wellbeing at a time in the year where they may be coming to terms with the reality of resolutions. Here are some of the best ways employers can achieve this:
Emotional Health Awareness Day can be a catalyst for meaningful dialogue and personal growth within your organization. By intentionally using this time to connect with your team, you not only support their emotional wellbeing but also strengthen engagement, resilience, and overall job satisfaction. In doing so, you create a workplace where employees feel valued – not just as professionals, but as whole people. If you would like to discuss how we can help support you in offering wellbeing check-ins and mini coaching sessions to your team members, get in touch with me at
It has recently been confirmed that from the 6th April 2025, employees will be entitled to 12 weeks of paid leave if their baby requires neonatal care.
Delving into the nitty gritty of the new Neonatal Leave law, employees will be entitled to this from day one of their employment, and the employee must also be one of the baby’s parents or intended parents (in regards to surrogacy), and the baby must be born after the 6th April 2025 for this to qualify.
In terms of the neonatal care itself, it must have taken place or begun within the first 28 days of birth and care must continue for a period of at least seven continuous days – so this could still be potentially disappointing for those parents who discover health issues that require neonatal care after the first few weeks of their child’s birth.
Before the passing of this law, the reality for many parents of sick or premature babies has been having to juggle this emotionally strenuous circumstance with ensuring they either have enough paid leave to take off work or in fact go to work whilst their child is in neonatal care. But after consistent advocacy from non-profit Working Families, the Neonatal Care (Leave and Pay) Bill was able to take shape, and is finally coming to fruition later this year.
This new law is paving the way for companies on a global scale to consider the realities of parenthood and make conscious efforts to amend their policies to include the offering of leave in the event of a premature birth. According to the World Health Organization, 13.4 million babies are born prematurely every year, and so it’s important for employers to be reflecting this reality into their maternity and paternity leave policies.
Whilst countries like Canada, Croatia, and Finland do offer the extension of maternity leave in the case of a premature birth or a poorly baby, the UK is the first country to pass a specific bill which addresses neonatal care and views it as a separate entitlement.
For the US, the passing of this new law may be a call to action for many American employers who are not offering neonatal care leave as a part of their benefit packages. With the majority of the workforce now made up of Millennials and Gen Z – both of which are either already parents or nearing the age of becoming parents – a benefit like this may prove very attractive and important for the younger generations in the workforce.
If you are a company that would like guidance in creating a neonatal care leave policy, please get in touch with us today.
How was January for you?
As the new year begins, it is common to feel a bit of a slump after the festive period packed with traditions, colorful lights, and good food.
This feeling, known as the ‘January Blues’ or the ‘Winter Woes,’ refers to a general decline in mood, lethargy, or even a sense of depression during the first month of the year. If December brings a rush of adrenaline, January is when the reality sets in.
For most people, this feeling fades as they get back into the routine. However, for some, it can linger due to factors like financial stress exacerbated by the holiday season or the struggle with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) during the winter months.
For this reason, employers aiming to re-engage employees often use the ‘Winter Woes’ as an opportunity to focus attention on their wellbeing strategy. This makes a great deal of sense – but it is important to maintain and build upon this momentum rather than let it wane as the year goes on.
And, let’s be honest, we can all be a bit guilty of this at this time of year! Some of us will have signed up for that new gym membership and started taking part in Veganuary only to discover that these resolutions quickly fizzle out. Suddenly the gym membership is just another card cluttering your wallet – and no amount of carrots and hummus can stop you daydreaming about cheeseburgers!
The corporate version of this is a phenomenon known as ‘Wellbeing Washing.’
‘Wellbeing Washing’ occurs when companies express their commitment to mental and physical health but fail to demonstrate this consistently through their actions and practices.
And it’s more common than you might think. Indeed, one study found that more than a third (35%) of businesses are perceived by their employees to be wellbeing washing.
To avoid this pitfall, consistency and clarity are key. Wellbeing has gained significant importance on the corporate agenda, especially in the post-pandemic era. Employers must ensure that their efforts to support the physical, mental, social and financial health of their workforce are consistent throughout the year.
While happy, healthy workers naturally contribute innovative thinking and productivity, a study by Mind found that 60% of employees believe that employer-led wellbeing initiatives would increase their motivation and the likelihood of them recommending their company as a great place to work.
So, in the same way employers should be committing to redouble their wellbeing efforts as they move through January; as we begin February they should be committing to maintain that effort through the year ahead.
If you would like to discuss how we can assist your business with its wellbeing strategies, please get in touch with us.
I think it’s safe to say that most of us have suffered through a breakup in our lives. Whether this be a relationship ending, navigating a divorce, or dealing with a ‘situationship’ gone sour, it’s no secret that breakups are a challenging and distracting time.
In spite of this, what we tend to see in many workplaces is a taboo around the topic.
Despite the fact that these occurrences will have huge impact on an individual, it can feel somewhat awkward and inappropriate to discuss this at work due to its personal nature.
Yet, the reality is that 79% of employees said that a relationship breakdown had an impact on their ability to work. And what’s even more interesting to note is that more than half of these respondents (57%) claimed they did not receive the required support from their employers, ultimately resulting in almost one in ten leaving the company within a year.
From this, it’s clear that how employers support those staff members going through the breakdown of a relationship can be instrumental to minimizing the effect it has on productivity, engagement, and retention rates. This is why having tailored support strategies in place can help to make a real difference. So, here are some strategies that employers should consider:
Productivity levels always ebb and flow, and this is natural. Our personal lives can sometimes overlap with our working ones, and it shouldn’t be the norm of employees to compartmentalize their personal struggles whilst at work. Employers who can recognize the humanness behind their employees are the ones that are going to be most in tune with their workforces, ultimately fostering a sense of loyalty amongst their people that will be hugely profitable in the long run.
If you would like to discuss how we can help design and implement tailored wellbeing strategies for breakups, please get in touch with me at
In the workplace, digital communication has become a staple. Emails are now sent in favor of phone calls, instant messages have replaced the slow back-and-forth of physical meetings, and having all of our work needs condensed onto apps on our phones means that we are always contactable at all times of the day.
However, too much of anything isn’t always good, as all these technological advancements do come with a price: ping fatigue.
‘Ping fatigue’ is a type of mental exhaustion which is brought on by constant notifications from work-related tools such as email, instant messaging apps, task management systems and calendar reminders. Employees are battling with a tsunami of pings all throughout their day that can lead to feelings of distraction and overwhelm that ultimately hinder their productivity and wellbeing – even though the goal of these time-saving services is to make life easier. And the lines become even more blurred when we consider remote and hybrid working arrangements, as the boundaries between work and home can sometimes start to blur in an unhealthy way that can make it hard to know when to truly switch off and silence those pings.
Interestingly, cognitive research has found that it takes an average of 23 minutes to refocus after an interruption. In other words, each new notification can actually end up disrupting an entire workflow, even though it is intended to be a gentle ping reminder. With micro-tasks constantly beckoning workers for their attention, this results in employees spiralling into a perpetual state of multitasking that will increase the likelihood of errors and stress.
So, what can employers be doing to help mitigate this rising ping fatigue?
Ping fatigue is becoming increasingly common in workplaces around the world. Although digital tools have transformed the way we work, they have also introduced new challenges for employers and employees alike. However, when used strategically, and with an emphasis on high-quality work and well-being rather than constant availability, these tools can help organizations foster a healthier and more fulfilling environment for everyone. If you would like to discuss how we can help foster this environment through mitigating ping fatigue, please get in touch with us today!
Statistically, most of us will have a furry friend waiting for us at home; over half of UK adults and a whopping 66% of US households own a pet of some kind!
It’s very common for our pets to hold a special place in our heart, as they are considered just as important of a family member as anyone else. However, if an employee’s child were to fall ill or be in need, most employers would insist that they go and attend to them…but this isn’t necessarily the case when it comes to pets.
There is a bit of a grey area around the sudden need to have to care for any animal, as they don’t quite fall into the same category as needing to care for a family member…from a technical perspective. But from an emotional perspective, most employees would want to be able to care for their animals’ wellbeing, but it’s more than likely they wouldn’t be afforded the same leniency with paid time off (PTO) to do this.
Until now?
A new bill has recently been proposed in New York which updates the Earned Safe and Sick Time Act to allow workers to use sick leave to care for certain animals. If the bill were to go through, employees would be able to take time off for a “companion or service animal that needs medical diagnosis, care or treatment of a physical illness, injury or health condition”.
The proposition of this update stems from the fact that pets are able to significantly reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as lower blood pressure. They can also provide emotional support and a sense of purpose, and so naturally if our pet were to become unwell, an owner would become distressed. This emotional strain can then easily begin to spill over into one’s working life, which will ultimately lead to an impact on focus, productivity, and general wellbeing.
However, there is some division when it comes to the popularity of introducing such a policy; People Management conducted a LinkedIn poll which found that 55% of respondents were in favor of this policy but 45% were opposed, highlighting a significant divide.
In some ways, it might be strange to consider offering PTO to care for pets in the UK when only recently was the Carer’s Leave Act introduced, allowing employees to take up to a week of unpaid leave off to care for a member of their family. If at the moment only unpaid leave is being offered to care for an elderly or unwell family member, than it may seem like a jump to be offering paid leave to attend to a pet.
Or is it simply time for employers to be offering paid leave for both? With some states like New York offering ‘Paid Family Leave’ to care for an elderly parent with a serious health condition, and considering offering PTO for the care of sickly pets, is New York leading the way in understanding what employees need and what would attract them to a workplace?
We will have to wait and see.
The New Year is always a time for reflection, and more often than not, this can lead to us reevaluating what things have been bringing us purpose in our life and where in our lives this purpose can be found. This is where The Purpose Effect: Building Meaning in Yourself, Your Role and Your Organization by Dan Pontefract comes into play.
Dan is a leadership and culture change strategist, a keynote speaker with over two decades of experience at companies such as SAP, TELUS, and Business Objects, and an author to a number of bestselling books.
In his book The Purpose Effect, Dan combines his years of experience with swathes of research on employee engagement to create a work about the three crucial areas of purpose that result in the Purpose Effect: individual, workplace role, and organizational.
Purpose-driven organizations focus on more than just profits. They align personal, organizational, and role-based purposes, benefiting both employees and society. When these elements align, employees feel fulfilled and engaged, contributing towards better work. If there is a mismatch between an employee’s personal purpose and the organization’s goals, it can ultimately lead to dissatisfaction.
This is where the Purpose Effect comes in, and it arises from three main factors:
Dan’s book teaches employers how they can find what he dubs the ‘sweet spot’ – this is the intersection of personal, organizational, and role purposes. By achieving this alignment, leaders will be able to foster a community spirit within the organization that will lead to a more productive, motivated workforce, as a company without a clear purpose may struggle to attract and retain top talent.
If you would like to discuss how we can help implement the best strategies to achieve the Purpose Effect, please get in touch with us today!
In the meantime, be sure to grab a copy of The Purpose Effect – you can head over here for the US and here for the UK.
Last year, we asked the OrgShakers team what practices and ideologies they thought employers should be leaving behind as they ventured into the New Year.
Now, as another year comes to a close, we wanted to see what they believe should be left behind in 2024 in order to help propel sustainability and growth in the year to come:
If you would like to get in touch with us about any of the points raised by our team, or if you have a different concerns that you were hoping to leave in 2024 and need assistance in shedding it, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today!
Equally, if you want some on-demand advice and strategies, why not book in a 1-hour private consultation with one of our seasoned HR professionals? Take a look at our OrgShakers CL!CK service for more details!
From all of us at OrgShakers, we wish you a happy and prosperous New Year!
For a whole host of reasons, this time of year can be challenging for some. Because while most of us will be making merry, others will be experiencing a very different set of emotions.
One prominent issue is loneliness. The festive season, especially Christmas, emphasizes inclusiveness and togetherness, can be a stark reminder for some of their own lack of company.
For those with fractured family relationships or who have lost loved ones, the holidays symbolize family, making it hard not to feel isolated. Research conducted by Mind confirms this, with over one-third of people (36%) being too embarrassed to admit they are lonely at Christmas time.
Others may struggle with religious trauma. This time of year can be challenging for those who have been brought up in strict religious households but have been on a journey of faith deconstruction into their adulthood. Being forced to take part in religious-based traditions in order to see their family can leave them feeling emotionally drained and can lead to them feeling the need to pull away during this time.
Overall, more than two in five people feel stressed during the holidays and, according to a YouGov survey, just over a quarter say that the Christmas season actually makes their mental health worse. These stresses inevitably affect working life.
So, how can employers offer extra support during the holiday season?
The most important thing is for leaders to actively listen to their people.
When in a managerial role, it can be very easy to fall into the habit of asking closed questions to staff, such as “Do you have any plans for Christmas?”. Nine times out of ten the answer will be ‘yes’ even if that is not the truth, so managers need to take it a step further. Follow up with, “Oh, what are you up to?” – this immediately signals that you are genuinely interested and want to listen, and therefore you are now more likely to receive an honest answer.
Supporting your employees’ wellbeing is challenging – but essential. Even without all the answers, showing you care by asking the right questions can make a significant difference. Taking accountability for your team and being aware of their struggles can create a supportive environment.
A simple gesture, such as sending out a group text or email on Christmas Day could make someone feel that little bit less lonely amongst the festivities – and could be the biggest gift you give to anyone this year.
If you would like to discuss these topics further, please get in touch with us.