In the workplace, digital communication has become a staple. Emails are now sent in favor of phone calls, instant messages have replaced the slow back-and-forth of physical meetings, and having all of our work needs condensed onto apps on our phones means that we are always contactable at all times of the day.
However, too much of anything isn’t always good, as all these technological advancements do come with a price: ping fatigue.
‘Ping fatigue’ is a type of mental exhaustion which is brought on by constant notifications from work-related tools such as email, instant messaging apps, task management systems and calendar reminders. Employees are battling with a tsunami of pings all throughout their day that can lead to feelings of distraction and overwhelm that ultimately hinder their productivity and wellbeing – even though the goal of these time-saving services is to make life easier. And the lines become even more blurred when we consider remote and hybrid working arrangements, as the boundaries between work and home can sometimes start to blur in an unhealthy way that can make it hard to know when to truly switch off and silence those pings.
Interestingly, cognitive research has found that it takes an average of 23 minutes to refocus after an interruption. In other words, each new notification can actually end up disrupting an entire workflow, even though it is intended to be a gentle ping reminder. With micro-tasks constantly beckoning workers for their attention, this results in employees spiralling into a perpetual state of multitasking that will increase the likelihood of errors and stress.
So, what can employers be doing to help mitigate this rising ping fatigue?
Ping fatigue is becoming increasingly common in workplaces around the world. Although digital tools have transformed the way we work, they have also introduced new challenges for employers and employees alike. However, when used strategically, and with an emphasis on high-quality work and well-being rather than constant availability, these tools can help organizations foster a healthier and more fulfilling environment for everyone. If you would like to discuss how we can help foster this environment through mitigating ping fatigue, please get in touch with us today!