Amanda Holland

Amanda advises executives in workforce readiness and the future of work, people strategy, and the integration of workforce, knowledge, and data with strategic direction.

Fi Neurodiversity
16th March 2023

Moving Beyond the Norm: Neurodiversity at Work

Work can be an intimidating and frustrating experience for neurodivergent individuals, as they can struggle to fit in with coworkers and adhere to organizational culture expectations. Conversely, employers and colleagues can feel challenged when working with neurodivergent team members. Through awareness and a few workplace changes, the benefits connected to a neurodiverse workforce can be […]

Fi Chief Remote Officer
18th January 2023

Is 2023 the Year of the Chief Remote Officer?

With the pandemic altering the fundamental structure of work, many employers have been wading through several stages of grief as they realize there is no “returning to normal” and remote/hybrid working models are here to stay. As we venture into a new year – three years after the pandemic began – employers appear to be […]

Fi 1 Tightrope
20th October 2022

Walking the Tightrope: How Can HR Find a Balance Between Employer and Employee Needs?

HR teams can find themselves in a crossfire between employer and employee. At first blush, the HR department recruits, enables, and fosters employee growth, and so would appear as a service for the people. And yet, contrary to this, it is those in the higher leadership ranks who regularly seek HR counsel and guidance and […]

Fi Quiet Leadership
13th September 2022

Are you a ‘Quiet Leader’?

Have you ever heard the phrase “quiet leaders”? This is a leadership style whose description may seem much more familiar than its name.  Quiet leaders can be described as “managers who apply modesty, restraint, and tenacity to solve particularly difficult problems.” (Lagace, M.)  Badaracco (2003) explains, “Everyday work life is full of right-versus-right decisions. In […]

Fi Great Rebirth Carpe Diem
24th August 2022

Is this the ‘Great Rebirth’ of the workplace?

It started with the Great Resignation, shifted into the Great Reshuffle and now it is shaping up to be the Great Regret. One thing that is clear from this ever-changing picture is that the workforce is more restless than it has ever been. But is this employee upheaval a symptom of something bigger? And if […]

Fi Tree And Shadow
15th February 2022

Storytelling in your Leadership Tool Kit

Looking back, I can’t remember a time when my parents weren’t leading.  Sometimes they led small teams of 5-10, sometimes groups in the thousands.  They were leaders at local, national, and international levels. While they were both leaders in their careers, they also led in many volunteer roles.  Socially gifted, my parents’ ability to connect […]

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