Anya Clitheroe

As a consultant, Anya partners with companies to fully optimize their human capital at both the organization and individual level. Her particular areas of focus include Executive Coaching, Leadership Development, High Performing Teams, Change Management, Talent Management and Employee Engagement.

Fi 1 Executive Action Series
14th August 2024

Why it’s Smart to be Leveraging Your Leaders to Drive Business Strategy

By Anya Clitheroe and Gordon Robinson As the pace of change continues to increase, forward-looking organizations will be planning to invest in enhancing the capabilities of their senior leadership teams. Why now? Because across multiple areas of business, opportunities are emerging to gain significant competitive and commercial advantage – and smart companies know that investing […]

Fi Recipe For Happy Employee
28th September 2023

What is the Recipe for a ‘Happy Employee’?

It is probably well known by now that happy employees are more productive – in fact, according to research from Oxford University, those employees that are happier are around 13% more productive. But ‘happiness’ is one of those elusive terms, in the sense that it can relate to a lot of different factors. For employers […]

Fi Loneliness At Work
13th June 2023

What Can Employers Do to Tackle Feelings of Loneliness?

When I left the corporate world and started my own HR Consultancy, I had to adjust from being part of a team to working on my own. While I was excited to be taking this courageous step, I would find myself running out of steam as the afternoon progressed. I’d usually find myself ringing my […]

Fi Healthy Ego
11th May 2023

Why Leaders Should Have a ‘Healthy Ego’

If you have ever worked with Maister, Green & Galford’s Trust Equation, you’ll know that perceived self-orientation (i.e. someone who comes across as focused on their own agenda) is the quickest way to undermine a relationship of trust. Generally, we have come to associate the word ‘ego’ with this idea of being self-centered, but actually, […]

Fi Coaching Roi
27th April 2023

Maximizing the Return on Your Investment in Executive Coaching

Coaching is a fantastic way to draw the potential out of leaders. It helps improve confidence, productivity, and is a sustainable form of development, as what is learned is taken and applied independently afterwards. And this is a proven fact – on average, an individual increases their productivity by 86% when training is combined with […]

Fi How To Mitigate Stress In The Workplace
03rd April 2023

How Can Employers Mitigate Stress and Ensure Success?  

It is not uncommon to feel stressed at work, and so how employers manage this can be vital to ensuring that their teams are being supported so they can produce their strongest output. CIPD’s Health and Wellbeing at Work report found that four-fifths (79%) of companies reported some stress-related absences over the last year (and […]

Fi Coach Mentor Balance
24th January 2023

Finding the Balance Between Coaching and Mentoring

As coaching continues to grow and many organizations are increasingly happy to invest in bringing in external coaches, the reach of this valuable tool can be significantly increased when we also take time to build the coaching capability of managers. Research from an ICF Global Coaching Study found that 99% of workers who had been […]

Fi Imposter Syndrome
06th January 2023

The Trials and Tribulations of Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome has sadly been a popular term going around recently. After having to navigate working through a pandemic and now adapting to the new normal of hybrid and remote work, many employers and employees have found themselves feeling somewhat out of their depth. A YouGov survey of 2,500 UK workers found imposter syndrome to […]

Fi Coaching Online
02nd March 2022

Online coaching – disruption or dilution?

Just because we can, doesn’t mean we should. This was my initial reaction to a recent article by Josh Bersin, Online coaching is so hot it’s now disrupting leadership development, where he explores how AI is transforming the way coaching is delivered – and to whom. Now, I believe in the power of AI and […]

Fi Covid Coaching
15th June 2020

Coaching During Covid

A number of people asked me whether the shift to virtual working, due to the ‘Stay At Home’ orders, meant a big change for me as a coach. Honestly, the answer is no. Maybe some coaches have the joy of in-person sessions being the norm, but the global nature of the majority of my clients […]

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