Therese Procter

Formerly Chief People Officer at a major UK retail bank, Therese is now recognized as a leading advisor and consultant across a range of sectors, including Financial Services, Telecoms, Hospitality, Retail, Healthcare, Distribution, Construction, and Property.

Fi Uk Riots Image
12th August 2024

How Can Employers Support Their Staff Amid Civil Unrest?

In recent days, the UK has experienced the worst civil unrest in more than a decade. After the fatal stabbing of three young girls at a dance class in the UK seaside town of Southport, the spread of misinformation around the perpetrator of this crime, as well as far-right and anti-immigration rhetoric, has sparked a […]

Fi Depression V Burnout
06th August 2024

Depression Vs. Burnout: Why Employers Need to Know the Difference

Burnout is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as an ‘occupational phenomenon’. Whilst it is not a medical condition, it has been classified as a syndrome, meaning a collection of symptoms or signs associated with a specific health-related cause. Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress or […]

Fi New Employment Law Uk
22nd July 2024

Employment Law Changes UK Business Should Expect from the New Labour Government

For the first time in over 14 years, the new Labour government in the UK will get to set the employment law agenda after their landslide victory on 4th July 2024. In the lead up to the election, a large component of their manifesto was the proposed extensive reforms to UK employment law as part […]

Fi Elections
11th June 2024

National Elections: How to Mitigate Employee Friction

Election fever is currently a global phenomenon. European and Indian elections have already taken place – with UK, French, and US Presidential elections now in full cry. And at a time when politics is becoming increasingly polarized, probably the only thing we can all agree on is that almost everyone will have an opinion on […]

Video Graphics3
16th April 2024

OrgShakers Webinar: Inspiring Inclusion

Taking inspiration from the International Women’s Day 2024 theme – #InspireInclusion – this webinar explores how organizations, leaders, and individuals can create inspiring, equitable workplaces.

Fi Cancer 3
25th October 2023

Cancer and the Workplace: Part 3, Remission and Return

After the discovery and diagnosis and the treatment and recovery, the day finally came: remission. I partook in my last batch of radiotherapy after recovering from my operations, and then finally came the day that I was declared cancer-free. Oftentimes this might be misconstrued as being back to the version of me I was before […]

Fi Cancer 2
24th October 2023

Cancer and the Workplace: Part 2, Treatment and Recovery

After discovering, being diagnosed, and then disclosing my cancer to my workplace, then came the big leagues – the start of my treatment. Once I received my results, I was set up with a treatment plan. For me, I found a clear plan comforting. I liked that I could see the journey ahead, that I […]

Fi Cancer 1
23rd October 2023

Cancer and the Workplace: Part 1, Discovery and Diagnosis

In one way or another, we’re all deeply familiar with cancer. There was an estimated 18.1 million cases worldwide in 2020, and so oftentimes if you ask someone if they have a ‘cancer story’, the answer will be yes. Back in January of this year, I was over in New York meeting colleagues and networking […]

Fi 1 Countdown Support Staff 2
05th December 2022

Winter Wellness: How to Support Your Staff During the Holidays

The holidays can be a trying time. At a time when you are expected to be jolly, you may find it shameful to feel anything but that. And yet, the reality is that this time of year can be difficult for some of us, for varying reasons. For one thing, loneliness at the holidays is […]

Fi 1 Diversity 1
18th November 2022

What Role can Diversity and Inclusion Play in Navigating the Current UK Climate?

Recently, Sue Johnson, Managing Partner for Inclusion & Diversity Consulting at Odgers Berndston, and OrgShakers’ Partner Therese Procter met to discuss the vital role diversity and inclusion (D&I) plays in helping UK workers navigate through challenging times. “I think there’s a growing unrest at work that’s just bubbling under the surface,” Therese began, going on […]

Fi 1 World Menopause Day
18th October 2022

Celebrating World Menopause Day in HR

I found myself smiling recently as my lovely mum, Nora – who is 84 – declared her absolute exasperation that her doctor had not prescribed her a medication she thought she absolutely should have. So, why was I smiling? Her request had been for hormone replacement therapy – HRT! As I poured us both a […]

Fi Domestic Violence
26th September 2022

The Diversity of Domestic Abuse: How to be Inclusive when Supporting Staff

Simon was 21 years old when he met his girlfriend, and their relationship quickly became serious; the pair had moved in together in a matter of weeks. Eighteen months later, Simon lost his life to this same girl, who his family and work later discovered had been abusing him physically, emotionally, and financially for the entire […]

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