Throughout my career I’ve found myself gravitating towards startup assignments.
I’m a builder, so I find creating a business from scratch and calming the chaos extremely fulfilling.
Entrepreneurs who have chosen to create, develop, and execute a service or product are, by necessity, focused on growing the business.
External consultants, on the other hand, can deal with the time-consuming – but essential – details that keep the business on track:
On a recent assignment I found myself executing on all the above, allowing the business founder to shift their focus away from tactical areas best left for functional leaders and to spend more time fundraising for the company’s next investment series.
This is where we can help.
OrgShakers consultants have the knowledge, tools, and expertise across a wide range of People disciplines to give business founders the reassurance that what they have already built is in good hands … while freeing them up to focus on the growth of the company.
Copyright OrgShakers: The global HR consultancy for workplace transformation founded by David Fairhurst in 2020