Fi Bullying Week

What are the ‘Grey Areas’ of Bullying at Work That Employers Need to Know?

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14th November 2024

More than one in ten employees have been victims of bullying in their workplace. As employers, this is an alarming statistic to hear, and this is why many workplaces have strict anti-bullying and anti-harassment policies in place to ensure that the culture of the workplace remains inclusive and welcoming to all.

However, it can get a bit trickier to manage bullying behaviors when they begin to slip into that elusive ‘grey area’. This is behavior that doesn’t necessarily fall into the black and white definitions of bullying (repeated unreasonable behaviour by an individual towards a worker (or group of workers) which creates a risk to health and safety) or harassment (behaviour that is or may be perceived to be offensive, abusive, belittling or threatening towards an individual or group or people based on a discriminatory characteristic). And yet, these behaviors still have the potential to have a negative impact on an employee and the wider work culture.

So, what are some of the grey areas of bullying that employers should be aware of?

  • Shouting – more than half (57%) of employees don’t consider shouting at work to be bullying, but is this always the case? Shouting at work has something that has become almost normalized by entertainment media creating the stereotypical angry boss character. But in reality, could shouting be considered bullying? It all comes down to context – are you shouting at one person in particular? Are you shouting aggressively or passionately? And is there ever really a need to shout at work in the first place? These things all need to be considered by employers in the face of an employee feeling bullied for this very reason.
  • Nicknames – nicknames are, more often than not, a harmless way of expressing camaraderie in the workplace, but employers must ensure that these names don’t use language that could be interpreted as demeaning in any way, as this can lead to individuals feeling victimized. 
  • Banter – the current workforce has the largest ever mix of generations working together, which means that lot of workplace banter risks being ‘lost in translation’ due to the fact that the boundaries of acceptability and what is tolerated have shifted so much across the decades. Consequently, what one person may intend as a joke, another may perceive quite differently. Having managers who have been trained to understand what is acceptable means that they can diffuse these situations and act accordingly if someone feels that banter is going too far. 
  • Physical Contact – physical contact can be a tricky one, but more often than not employers should encourage everyone to keep their hands to themselves (but this doesn’t mean that a friendly high five or introductory handshake can’t be shared). But for the most part, it’s best to avoid anything physical for fear this can be misinterpreted as a suggestive gesture.

With the rise of cancel culture and movements like Me Too, employers are now more obligated more than ever to ensure they are fostering a working environment where everyone feels safe and included. So, when it comes to managing these grey areas, employers simply have to take it as it comes. Context will play a key role in all of the above scenarios, and any more that may arise. It’s important to listen to the employees involve and investigate accordingly.

If you would like to discuss how we can help strengthen your anti-bullying policies, please get in touch with us today.

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