Fi Health Tech

Health Technology: An Emerging Staple of the Modern Workplace?

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26th February 2025

A couple of years ago when I was at the hospital, the doctor noticed that my heart rate would drop quite significantly and wanted to do further tests. However, I assured him that this was quite normal for me and showed him the data that my health ring had been measuring for the past couple of years.

After taking a look at it, he agreed that there was, in fact, nothing to worry about, and was able to send me on my way.

It was then that I realised what a revolution health technology was becoming.

Not only did I now have instantaneous access to various points of real-time data about myself, but I was able to use this data in medical settings to make my health checks more efficient and informed.

This got me thinking – is this the future of the modern workplace? Should companies be considering the reality of taking health insurance to a whole new level, and actually ensuring the health of their employees by offering them access to a product that can measure their health diagnostics?

Well, that’s how I came to discover Alula Health’s new product VivaScore.

VivaScore offers revolutionary technology when it comes to tracking employee health, as it’s specifically designed for employers to be able to turn workforce health data into actionable insights that will help drive better business decisions. It uses a cutting-edge facial scan that takes no more than 30 seconds to complete, and from this is able to offer instant insights on things such as blood pressure, cardiovascular risk, stress, and even mental wellbeing.

Employers are then able to track their company’s health as a whole through the insights received, and can use these data points to start guiding prevention and intervention services if needed. They can also use ‘nudges’ to help encourage their employees towards better health.

VivaScore offers employers a sense of insurance over the health of their teams, as well as a much more detailed and tailored insight into how they can actually best support their workers on an individualised basis.

I know how difficult it can be to truly support the wellbeing of every single employee at all times – people are complex, and their needs can be even more complex, and so it can be challenging for an employer to devote the time and energy needed to each individual person. But now, with a health tracking app like VivaScore, employers will be able to see instantly who needs health support, whether this be from something physical, or something mental. And with more than two-thirds of employees feeling stressed at work, there is no better time for employers to have access to a tool that can tell them who is stressed and how to help reduce this so that they can continue working at their best and feel their best.  

And what’s even better, being able to offer a service like VivaScore as an employee benefit will help companies stand out to employees. With the rise of health rings, Fitbits, and Apple Watches (as I said, I’m a health ring wearer myself!), it’s become trendy for people to invest in AI-based health technology – so those companies offering access to it as a benefit are likely to prevail as the most attractive ones to work at.

To find out more about VivaScore and the future of employee wellness, be sure to attend our upcoming webinar where we discuss how to transform employee wellness with myself, the CEO and Chief Medical Officer at Check4Cancer Professor Gordon Wishart, as well as Managing Director of Alula Health Simon Spurr and Head of Sales and Growth at Alula Health Jon Cooke on Tuesday 4th March at 3PM UK time.

In the meantime, if you have any burning questions about VivaScore and its impact for your company, feel free to shoot me an email at

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