Adam Scopp

As our Editorial Assistant, Adam’s role is to capture the team’s latest thought-leadership in a way which creates compelling and inspiring content.

Fi Halloween
31st October 2023

What Do You Do if Your Workplace is Haunted?

Stories of ghosts, ghouls, spirits, and paranormal activity are not hard to come by in the modern world. The media is inundated with gothic movies, tv shows, and literature, and for many people a good ghost story gets their spine tingling. However, while the idea of ghosts may be entertainment for some, for others, the […]

Fi New Age Networking
30th October 2023

How to Network in the New Age

Networking is more than just a practice, it’s a skill. A skill that many employers tend to foster and encourage in their employees, as it can lead to better cohesion, higher productivity, and more expansion opportunities. Pre-pandemic, internal networking (which is networking amongst your team members) was a seamless practice, as employees were brushing shoulders, […]

Fi 1 Repost Image
27th October 2023

Most managers in UK feel unable to offer adjustments for cancer | HR Magazine

A new study from health service Working to Wellbeing has found that under half (47%) of line managers said they would be able to offer support to colleagues with cancer with reasonable adjustments in their workplace. It was also discovered that just one in four (23%) of UK line managers would actively explain a colleague […]

Fi Dyslexia
06th October 2023

What We’re Reading: This is Dyslexia by Kate Griggs

This month’s book choice was inspired by the fact that today is World Dyslexia Awareness Day – which closes off Dyslexia Awareness Week. In the spirit of this, we got our hands on a copy of Kate Grigg’s This is Dyslexia. Kate, who is dyslexic herself, is the founder and CEO of the charity Made […]

Fi Sleeptember
29th September 2023

Employees Are Getting Less Sleep: How Is This Affecting Their Work?

The Healthier Nation Index report has recently been published, revealing some startling statistics about sleeping patterns. People are now getting less than 6 hours a night of sleep – which is a sizeable difference to the 7-9 hours of sleep recommended by the UK’s National Health Service. This drop seems to be due to the […]

Fi Menopause
22nd September 2023

Recent Direct Line tribunal rules menopause a disability | HR Magazine

Maxine Lynskey, a former consultant for Direct Line, was recently awarded over £64,000 in damages after a tribunal ruled her menopause symptoms as a ‘disability’ under the 2010 Equality Act when her former employer failed to make the correct reasonable adjustments. After working there for 4 years, she began to experience consistent menopausal symptoms of […]

Fi Lazy Girl
21st September 2023

From ‘Quiet Quitting’ to ‘Lazy Girl Jobs’: Are These Misnomers Doing More Harm than Good?

Emerging from a pandemic which saw a huge shift in mindset for the current workforce, the trend of ‘Quiet Quitting’ surfaced as a way for employees to set boundaries around the work they do and the timeframe they do it in. Looked at objectively, this was employees taking responsibility for their own work-life balance and […]

Fi Taboo Of Hiv
15th September 2023

How Employers can Challenge the Taboos of HIV in the Workplace

While huge strides continue to be made in regard to the treatment of HIV, in the US there are an estimated 1.3 million people who are HIV positive. In the UK, that figure is around 100,000. Despite the fact that the disease is no longer steeped in the stigma it once was, taboos still pervade […]

Fi Boost Productivity
31st August 2023

5 Unusual (and Innovative!) Approaches for Employees to Boost Productivity

One of HR’s key functions for employers is implementing strategies to optimize productivity in the workplace. By now, most employers will know the basics on how to go about this – but there are a growing number of innovative productivity strategies that organizations may not have considered before. They may sound counter-intuitive, but hear us […]

Fi Pets At Work
21st August 2023

Should Employers Be Creating Pet-Friendly Workplace Policies?

Many of us that work remotely or in a hybrid setting are accustomed to working in the same environment as our pets. In fact, more than 23 million American households adopted a pet during the pandemic, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. With in-office work having returned, some are […]

Fi Intern
18th August 2023

Making Mistakes at Work: What We Would Tell Our 21-Year-Old Selves

For those who might not be familiar, something wonderful happened on Twitter this year (a sentence not heard all that often). After an ordeal where an HBO Max intern accidently sent out a test email to thousands of the streaming service’s subscribers, the company took to Twitter to explain the mistake and highlighted how they […]

Fi Managing Up
17th August 2023

Should Employers Be Embracing the ‘Managing Up’ Trend?

Currently, many HR buzzwords and phrases originate from the same place: TikTok. First we saw the rise of ‘quiet quitting’ take TikTok – and then the wider internet – by storm. And now we are seeing a new trend with over 5 million views: ‘Managing Up’. Managing Up is when employees work out how to […]

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