Fi Rhythm

Have you got rhythm?

Published by
29th September 2020
Hamilton gets into his rhythm and is unbeatable

Six-time Formula One World Champion driver Lewis Hamilton appears to be in perfect rhythm with his car. And being able to consistently sustain this rhythm has led to him being widely regarded as one of the greatest drivers in the history of the sport.

Too often the rhythm of human interaction is not always fully appreciated, but a more conscious awareness of this rhythm enables good leaders to advance themselves and others.

All of us have a natural rhythm where we can get the most done in the shortest time. Rhythm means having time for everything we want to do. And the predictability of rhythm supports that and ensures we make time for the things we want and need to do.

The biggest challenge we face, however, is sustaining that rhythm – and there’s no greater rhythm-buster than the people around us.

Despite the trend towards flatter, leaner, more agile organisations, it takes a special kind of leader to find the natural rhythm of a team of people.

Face-to-face meetings have traditionally provided an opportunity for leaders to build a spirit of collaboration that leads to greater creativity, problem-solving and a sense of community that people want to share.

That was challenging enough – but in today’s world of remote working, omnichannel operations and teams spread across multiple time zones, the role of leaders in establishing a rhythm of work is more important than ever.

  • Clear goal setting and allocation of tasks.
  • The empowerment and autonomy of individual team members.
  • A sense of collective and personal accountability.
  • A shared sense of purpose and meaning.

These are the qualities an effective leader needs to instill if they are to synchronize the personal rhythms of individuals to create a single ‘heartbeat’ for the team.

A predictable rhythm enables employees to work harmoniously and to support each other fully. The predictable rhythms of the activities allow employees to support others

To find the rhythm of your team:

  • Be a meaning-maker. Ensure that every member of your team understands the difference they are making in achieving your shared objectives.
  • Be an enabler. Make sure that they have the skills, tools, and resources they need to do an amazing job.
  • Be empowering. Show your team that you trust them to get the work done the way they think best.
  • Be a listener. Take the time to understand the needs of individuals and apply your emotional intelligence to the way the team is operating
  • Be an energizer. Turn team meetings into highlights that are fun, dynamic, and productive
  • Be a cheerleader. Publicly and visibly celebrate the individual and collective achievements of your team.

Like Lewis Hamilton, getting your team into a sustainable, positive rhythm will make you a sure winner.

Please reach out to me if you would like to discuss how to achieve this in your organisation:

Copyright OrgShakers: The global HR consultancy for workplace transformation founded by David Fairhurst in 2020

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