Adam Scopp

As our Editorial Assistant, Adam’s role is to capture the team’s latest thought-leadership in a way which creates compelling and inspiring content.

Fi Remote Presenteeism
24th May 2024

‘Feeling Sick? Just Work From Home’…The Rise of Remote Presenteeism

If you are based in the UK, you may have heard the Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, declaring that there is a ‘sick note culture’– that is, that too many people are being formally recognized by their family doctors as being too ill to work. But is this true? And if it is, are workers genuinely […]

Fi World Schizophrenia
24th May 2024

Everything Employers Need to Know About Schizophrenia in the Workplace

Schizophrenia is a chronic mental health disorder that affects approximately 24 million people worldwide. There is an array of preconceptions around this disorder, particularly due to the nature in which it is presented in entertainment media, but a lot of these preconceived notions do not accurately reflect the experience of someone who has been diagnosed […]

Fi Eap
13th May 2024

Employee Assistance Programs: How Do HR Choose the Right One?

Every year, 12 billion working days are lost worldwide to depression and anxiety, costing the global economy $1 trillion, predominantly due to the debilitating effects they have on productivity. As we continue to see employers make strides towards creating psychologically safe workplace cultures, a key component for supporting the immediate needs of employee wellbeing is […]

Fi Repost Great Renewal
10th May 2024

The Year of the ‘Great Renewal’: 2024 is HR’s Chance to Hit ‘Refresh’ | HR Executive

Workforce trends are often labeled for the social and economic circumstances under which they were created. From the “Great Resignation” during the immediate aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic to last year’s “Great Reshuffle,” we have seen multitudes of twists and turns. Though 2024’s workforce trend has yet to be named, I would argue that what […]

Fi Lunch Atop A Skyscraper
29th April 2024

The Evolution of Health and Safety at Work – What’s Next?

Many of us are likely familiar with the famous collection of photographs, Lunch atop a Skyscraper, which depict a group of workers in very precarious – and notably unsafe – positions during the construction of the Empire State Building in 1932. [ Whilst the images are visually stunning, they also highlight a key fact about […]

Fi Overtime Exempt
25th April 2024

Here’s All You Need to Know About the Final White Collar Exemption Rule

On April 23rd, 2024, the US Department of Labor (DOL) announced a finalized rule which will see the minimum compensation levels increasing for the ‘white collar’ exemptions to the federal Fair Labor Standards Act’s (FLSA) overtime premium pay requirements. The rule will significantly increase the minimum salary threshold for those who work in an executive, […]

Fi Earth Day V1
22nd April 2024

Why Employers Going Green Will Bring in the Green ($$)

In recent years, consumers have become much more environmentally conscious; one report even discovered that 90% of Gen X would be willing to spend an extra 10% or more for sustainable products. This rising concern for the environmental wellbeing of the planet is also having huge effects on the world of work – especially when […]

Fi Loud Quitting(1)
05th April 2024

Move Over Quiet Quitting, ‘Loud Quitting’ Is Taking Centre Stage

Around this time last year, I wrote a piece in response to the rising trends of ‘quiet quitting’, ‘quiet firing’, and ‘quiet hiring’ that begged the question: why are we being so quiet? Why are these issues not being spoken about loudly? In that context, the ‘loud quitting’ phenomenon we are seeing now has been […]

Fi Repost Salaries In Office Working
28th March 2024

US Salaries Surging for Fully In-Office Jobs | BBC Worklife

While many jobs still offer hybrid- or remote-working patterns, more bosses are mandating their employees to return to the office on a full-time basis. But for some of these companies, getting workers fully back on-site comes with a high price tag. This is particularly the case in the US, which has seen the most dramatic shift […]

Fi Happiness Vs Salary
20th March 2024

A Good Salary Isn’t Enough to Make Employees Happy Anymore, and Here’s Why

Happy employees are productive employees – 13% more productive to be exact. But in days past, keeping an employee ‘happy’ was usually intrinsically linked with the amount of money they were being paid. If their salary was good, and their performance was methodically rewarded, then this tended to spark contentment in the general worker. However, […]

Fi Lgbtq+ Inclusion
18th March 2024

Why Having LGBTQ+ Inclusion Strategies at the Heart of Your Business is Good for Business

Gen Z are flooding into the workplace, and with this assimilation they bring to light conversations around work-life balance, environmentalism, and the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). And it is no wonder we’re seeing the latter take place; a recent study discovered that 36% of students and graduates identify as LGBTQ+. And yet, […]

Fi Coffee Badging
14th March 2024

What is ‘Coffee Badging’ and Are Your Employees Doing It? 

That’s right – another buzzword has entered the mix. ‘Coffee badging’ may sound a bit peculiar, but it is essentially when an employee comes into the office very briefly, taps in with their identity card, then grabs a coffee and mingles with colleagues for a short stint before leaving to work the rest of the […]

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