Adam Scopp

As our Editorial Assistant, Adam’s role is to capture the team’s latest thought-leadership in a way which creates compelling and inspiring content.

Fi 4 Hustle Vs Happiness V2
27th June 2023

Hustle Vs. Happiness: Helping Employees Hit the Right Balance

‘Hustle culture’ is a buzzword that’s become quite popular over the last year. With some dubbing it as ‘burnout culture’, it is the idea that you have to work extra hard and put in extra work to get recognised for promotions and opportunities at work – in short, you are always hustling. Since the pandemic, […]

Fi Pride Month
01st June 2023

Celebrating Pride Month in the Workplace

With June comes the promise of sunshine (if you are situated over in the Northern hemisphere, that is), the longest day of the year, and, of course, international Pride Month! As we all know, Pride is a celebration of inclusivity, aiming to recognise and celebrate all members of the LGBTQ+ community. In this month, it […]

Fi Highly Sensitive People
22nd May 2023

Why Employers Should be Focusing on their Highly Sensitive People

A Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) is a neurodivergent individual who has been born with a genetic trait called Sensory Processing Sensitivity. While being considered ‘highly sensitive’ often has negative connotations in a workplace setting, one survey found that those who tested as HSP were the best rated managers – however, they were also the most […]

Fi What If
09th May 2023

Unlocking the Power of “What If…?”

I’m sure that it would be no surprise to hear that many of us do not grow up to be working in the career we had dreamed of as a child. In fact, only one in ten Americans say they are working their ‘dream job’. And so, naturally, employees may indulge in a ‘what if…’ […]

Fi Death At Work
28th April 2023

How Should Organizations Respond to the Death of an Employee?

When an employee passes away, it is difficult to know what to do and how to respond – especially as an employer. It is important, however, that leaders approach the bereavement as compassionately and as empathetically as possible, as failing to do so can have a noticeable and long-lasting impact on the workforce. There are […]

Fi 4 Day Week
25th April 2023

Working Week = 4-days In The Office: Is this the ‘Great Resolution’ Employers have been Searching for?

A trial of the 4-day working week commenced last year in the UK, and 90% of participating businesses have opted to stick with it. This has naturally created interest around the prospect of a 4-day working week and what this might look like, with one statistic standing out: a recent poll led by Hays discovered […]

Fi Banter
14th April 2023

The Shifting Boundaries of Workplace Banter

Positive workplace ‘banter’ is a good thing. Having a cohesive workforce and a strong workplace culture is something that all employers strive for. And friendly relationships in the workplace increase productivity, as employees are more committed, communicate better, and encourage each other. Banter can play a pivotal role in cementing these relationships. There is, however, […]

Fi Generationalism
12th April 2023

How to Secure a ‘Generational Dividend’ for Your Organization

We are all aware that each generation has been attributed macro characteristics – the Greatest Generation are ‘responsible and hard-working’, Baby Boomers are ‘selfish’, Gen X are ‘cynical’, Millennials are ‘entitled and lazy’, and Gen Z are ‘civic-minded snowflakes’. When these stereotypical beliefs spill over into the world of work, however, they can lead to […]

Fi Work Smarter
05th April 2023

Is this the Age of Working Smart Over Working Hard?  

I have no doubt that most of us have come across the recent artificial intelligence (AI) phenomenon that is ChatGPT.   With software company OpenAI recently announcing the program’s next iteration (titled ChatGPT-4), there has been a lot of speculation around whether employers – and people in general – should be ‘freaked out’ by the expanding […]

Fi Procrastination
20th March 2023

How Should Employers Respond to Employee Procrastination?

From time to time, I’m sure all of us have been guilty of procrastinating. And if it is something that isn’t happening very often, then it doesn’t really do much harm. However, in a world where remote working is continuously on the rise, being able to procrastinate is easier than ever. Resume-Now conducted a study […]

Fi Eating Disorder
07th March 2023

Challenging the Taboos Around Eating Disorders in the Workplace

Eating disorders can be a very taboo topic that have a lot of incorrect connotations, and because of this, many employers may not consider them to be a cause for concern in the workplace. But the reality of eating disorders is that they affect around 1.25 million people in the UK, and almost 30 million […]

Fi Napping
22nd February 2023

Rise and Grind: Should Napping at Work be a Wellbeing Strategy?

Napping at work is not a new phenomenon. 42.7% of US employees have admitted that they regularly nap at work, and a separate study found that the average remote-working Briton was taking three lunchtime naps per week. This aligns well with results from our own poll, which found that 66% of respondents were either already […]

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