Adam Scopp

As our Editorial Assistant, Adam’s role is to capture the team’s latest thought-leadership in a way which creates compelling and inspiring content.

Fi 1 Creative Remote Working
01st November 2022

Shaking Things Up: Getting Creative with Remote Working

Remote work seems to be here to stay. And if that is the case, then so are the burgeoning social challenges that accompany it. As it stands, around 14% of UK workers are exclusively remote, with nearly double that proportion in the US at 26%. And what seems to be emerging is a growing sense […]

Fi 1 Virtual Presenteeism
28th October 2022

Virtual Presenteeism in the Metaverse

The mass adoption of remote and hybrid working has brought with it concerns around a loss of company culture, a lack of social cohesion and struggles with onboarding. What seems to be emerging as the golden solution to these problems is the metaverse – the virtual reality (VR) space which allows users to interact with […]

Fi 1 Power Skills
13th October 2022

Are Power Skills the Key to Gen Z?

With a post-pandemic wellbeing mindset on the rise, as well as the influx of Generation Z into the workforce, many are starting to realise that a leader’s ability to utilise their soft skills is becoming increasingly valuable. For the most part, hard skills are the ones that have been considered of greatest value to employers, […]

Fi Quiet Firing
28th September 2022

Quiet Firing: Don’t Be So Quick to Burn Bridges

‘Quiet quitting’ has been a buzzword in the corporate world recently – staff members are taking back their personal lives by setting boundaries on how much extra effort they put into their work. This has sparked many conversations as to why employees felt the need to quietly quit in the first place, and one such […]

Fi Metaverse
12th August 2022

The Metaverse: A Whole New Working World?

Hybrid and remote working have become a post-pandemic norm, and have paved the way for an entirely new working environment – the metaverse. This is a virtual reality environment where employees can meet and interact from anywhere around the world through avatars – digital versions of themselves – which they have designed. The concept of […]

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