Ideas & Insights

We would like to share some of our latest thinking about the big issues in HR. Please let us know what you think …

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    11th June 2024

    National Elections: How to Mitigate Employee Friction

    Election fever is currently a global phenomenon. European and Indian elections have already taken place – with UK, French, and US Presidential elections now in full cry. And at a time when politics is becoming increasingly polarized, probably the only thing we can all agree on is that almost everyone will have an opinion on […]

    Fi Elections
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    03rd June 2024

    How to Ensure Your LGBTQ+ Inclusion Efforts Don’t Become ‘Pinkwashing’

    As Pride Month begins, so does the influx of rainbow logos, Pride-themed merchandise, and many a parade. However, for employers, it’s important to not fall into the trap of ‘pinkwashing’ – that is, the practice of superficially supporting LGBTQ+ causes for marketing purposes without substantial backing or action. To help reduce the risk of pinkwashing, […]

    Fi Pinkwashing Pride
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    29th May 2024

    Should Employers Publish Interview Questions Prior to the Interview?

    Recently, UK department store John Lewis Partnership announced that they would be publishing their interview questions for all of their roles online for everyone to be able to access prior to their job interview. This has since sparked an interesting debate over whether this move will catalyse a new trend for employers everywhere to consider […]

    Fi Interview Questions
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    24th May 2024

    Everything Employers Need to Know About Schizophrenia in the Workplace

    Schizophrenia is a chronic mental health disorder that affects approximately 24 million people worldwide. There is an array of preconceptions around this disorder, particularly due to the nature in which it is presented in entertainment media, but a lot of these preconceived notions do not accurately reflect the experience of someone who has been diagnosed […]

    Fi World Schizophrenia
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    13th May 2024

    Employee Assistance Programs: How Do HR Choose the Right One?

    Every year, 12 billion working days are lost worldwide to depression and anxiety, costing the global economy $1 trillion, predominantly due to the debilitating effects they have on productivity. As we continue to see employers make strides towards creating psychologically safe workplace cultures, a key component for supporting the immediate needs of employee wellbeing is […]

    Fi Eap
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    08th May 2024

    Might Agile Methodology Be Just What HR is Looking For? Part 1

    Traditionally, HR workstreams could be organised into four sections: cyclical activities such as engagement surveys; reactive client focused work such as performance management; proactive business improvement such as organisational design and learning initiatives; and projects such as change programmes and process improvements. Often, as the speed of organisations influence the ability to deliver well, HR […]

    Fi Agile P1
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    07th May 2024

    What We’re Reading: When She’s in the Room by Edwina Dunn

    This month, we have picked up a copy of Edwina Dunn’s latest book, When She’s in the Room: How Empowering Women Empowers the World. Edwina is a pioneering and successful leader in the data industry – famed for co-founding dunnhumby, which revolutionized the retail and consumer goods industry through its role in creating the Tesco […]

    Fi 1 Reading Dunn
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