Ideas & Insights

We would like to share some of our latest thinking about the big issues in HR. Please let us know what you think …

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    13th September 2023

    How Can the Public Sector Manage Institutional Brain Drain?

    It is no secret that the public sector is struggling to attract and retain talent. Attrition is increasing and workers across the US, UK and beyond are engaging in strikes over better pay and better working conditions. The public sector is taking a huge hit when it comes to talent. As an HR professional, these […]

    Fi Brain Drain
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    31st August 2023

    5 Unusual (and Innovative!) Approaches for Employees to Boost Productivity

    One of HR’s key functions for employers is implementing strategies to optimize productivity in the workplace. By now, most employers will know the basics on how to go about this – but there are a growing number of innovative productivity strategies that organizations may not have considered before. They may sound counter-intuitive, but hear us […]

    Fi Boost Productivity
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    21st August 2023

    Should Employers Be Creating Pet-Friendly Workplace Policies?

    Many of us that work remotely or in a hybrid setting are accustomed to working in the same environment as our pets. In fact, more than 23 million American households adopted a pet during the pandemic, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. With in-office work having returned, some are […]

    Fi Pets At Work
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    18th August 2023

    Making Mistakes at Work: What We Would Tell Our 21-Year-Old Selves

    For those who might not be familiar, something wonderful happened on Twitter this year (a sentence not heard all that often). After an ordeal where an HBO Max intern accidently sent out a test email to thousands of the streaming service’s subscribers, the company took to Twitter to explain the mistake and highlighted how they […]

    Fi Intern
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    17th August 2023

    Should Employers Be Embracing the ‘Managing Up’ Trend?

    Currently, many HR buzzwords and phrases originate from the same place: TikTok. First we saw the rise of ‘quiet quitting’ take TikTok – and then the wider internet – by storm. And now we are seeing a new trend with over 5 million views: ‘Managing Up’. Managing Up is when employees work out how to […]

    Fi Managing Up
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    11th August 2023

    Preparing the Workplace for Generation Alpha

    Move over Gen Z – Generation Alpha will soon be knocking on the workplace door! Set to be the largest generation to date (it is predicted that there will be over 2 billion of them globally!), Gen Alpha are the children who will be born to predominantly Millennial parents between the years of 2010-2024. This […]

    Fi Gen Alpha
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