Ideas & Insights

We would like to share some of our latest thinking about the big issues in HR. Please let us know what you think …

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    22nd January 2024

    Who is HR for HR?

    The HR is focused on managing every aspect of an organization’s ‘human’ capital. As the importance of this historically under-optimized resource has been realized, however, we have seen the role of HR grow exponentially, especially as the scope of diversity, equity, and inclusion continues to expand alongside the almost perpetual introduction of new and emerging […]

    Fi Hr For Hr
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    17th January 2024

    Meet ‘Harriet’: The New AI Human Resources Assistant

    Have you met Harriet? Co-founders Cecily Motley and David Buxton have recently created ‘Harriet’, an AI tool that is designed to automate human resources processes. It has been specifically created to be smoothly integrated into a company’s Slack channels so to provide certain HR-related services. AI assistants are not necessarily new – especially if Siri, […]

    Fi Hr Harriet
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    16th January 2024

    OrgShakers Welcomes Arnold L. Greene

    I am delighted to be welcoming Arnold L. Greene to the OrgShakers team! Since graduating from Cornell University with a B.S. in Industrial and Labor Relations, Arnold has enjoyed over 30 years as a Human Resources professional leading Human Resources and Training functions. Arnold’s last corporate role was as the Head of Global Strategic Human […]

    Fi Arnold L Greene
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    09th January 2024

    Avoiding the Slippery Slope of Wellbeing Washing in January

    Ah, January. After a month packed with festive traditions, colorful lights, and more food than many of us would care to admit, it is quite natural to find yourself in a bit of a slump as the new year kicks off. This feeling is known more commonly as the ‘January Blues’ (or the ‘Winter Woes’ […]

    Fi Wellbeing Washing
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    08th January 2024

    What We’re Reading: Remote, Not Distant by Gustavo Razzetti

    It might be a new year, but one thing that hasn’t changed is the ever-growing importance of effectively navigating hybrid and remote working. That’s why this month we have been reading Remote, Not Distant: Design a Company Culture That Will Help You Thrive in a Hybrid Workplace by Gustavo Razzetti. Being the creator of the […]

    Fi Remote Not Distant
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    04th January 2024

    Biometric Breakthroughs: Revolutionizing HR with Technology and Trust

    The integration of biometric data in the workplace is not just a futuristic concept; it’s a present reality reshaping HR practices. Employers are increasingly turning to biometrics for accurate attendance tracking and security, with technologies like facial recognition and fingerprint scanning becoming commonplace. This evolution promises unparalleled efficiency and precision in employee management, but raises […]

    Fi Biometric
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    03rd January 2024

    The Employer Essentials for 2024: A Summary

    As we counted down to the new year in December, we adopted the theme of looking forwards. What are the essential topics of focus for employers to be considering in 2024? Well, in case you missed any of them, here’s a summary of our essentials: If you would like to discuss the services we offer […]

    Fi Happy New Year
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    20th December 2023

    What Should Employers Leave in 2023?

    Last year, we asked the OrgShakers team what practices and ideologies they thought employers should be leaving behind as they ventured into the new year. Now, as another year comes to a close, we wanted to see what they believe should be left in 2023 in order to help propel sustainability and growth in the […]

    Fi Leave In 2023 Os Website Version
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    19th December 2023

    Fundamental Shifts in HR: Part 4, The End of Jobs

    After discussing the world of HR consulting with Sarah Hamilton-Gill on her podcast, Leap Into HR Consulting, we moved onto looking at the four fundamental shifts that I predict we will be seeing in the near future that HR professionals need to be preparing themselves for. We discussed the looming edge of the Workforce Cliff, […]

    Fi Fundamentals Pt 4
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