Ideas & Insights

We would like to share some of our latest thinking about the big issues in HR. Please let us know what you think …

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    05th April 2023

    Is this the Age of Working Smart Over Working Hard?  

    I have no doubt that most of us have come across the recent artificial intelligence (AI) phenomenon that is ChatGPT.   With software company OpenAI recently announcing the program’s next iteration (titled ChatGPT-4), there has been a lot of speculation around whether employers – and people in general – should be ‘freaked out’ by the expanding […]

    Fi Work Smarter
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    03rd April 2023

    How Can Employers Mitigate Stress and Ensure Success?  

    It is not uncommon to feel stressed at work, and so how employers manage this can be vital to ensuring that their teams are being supported so they can produce their strongest output. CIPD’s Health and Wellbeing at Work report found that four-fifths (79%) of companies reported some stress-related absences over the last year (and […]

    Fi How To Mitigate Stress In The Workplace
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    30th March 2023

    Does Offering Unlimited Paid Time Off Actually Pay Off?

    An employer’s paid time off (PTO) policy is critical when it comes to attracting new talent – a recent study found that PTO was the second most compelling benefit a company could offer. This can inevitably lead to the consideration of unlimited PTO. It is already a particularly popular policy amongst US tech, media, and […]

    Fi Holiday Allowances
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    27th March 2023

    Be Wary of the COVID Compensation Hangover

    This time of year, there are the usual surveys and articles about merit increases and executive pay increases.    For example, I saw a recent private company survey that said that more than 46% of organizations in the US plan to provide a more than 6% increase to the merit pool.  Similarly, I have seen […]

    Fi Covid Compensation
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    22nd March 2023

    The Best Ways Employers Can Support Those Observing Ramadan

    Today marks the beginning of Ramadan – a month-long period of fasting, prayer, and reflection observed by millions of Muslims around the world. This will see many Muslim people adjusting their schedules to accommodate to the demands of their religious practices. There are just shy of four million Muslims in the UK, and so it […]

    Fi Ramadan
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    20th March 2023

    How Should Employers Respond to Employee Procrastination?

    From time to time, I’m sure all of us have been guilty of procrastinating. And if it is something that isn’t happening very often, then it doesn’t really do much harm. However, in a world where remote working is continuously on the rise, being able to procrastinate is easier than ever. Resume-Now conducted a study […]

    Fi Procrastination
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    16th March 2023

    Moving Beyond the Norm: Neurodiversity at Work

    Work can be an intimidating and frustrating experience for neurodivergent individuals, as they can struggle to fit in with coworkers and adhere to organizational culture expectations. Conversely, employers and colleagues can feel challenged when working with neurodivergent team members. Through awareness and a few workplace changes, the benefits connected to a neurodiverse workforce can be […]

    Fi Neurodiversity
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    14th March 2023

    Equal Pay Vs. Equitable Pay: What Do Employers Need to Know

    Equal Pay Day comes around every year to shed light on the fact that pay disparities are still very much present – women working full-time in the US are still only paid 83% of what men earn for the same job. But for employers to successfully address pay disparity, they first must understand the differences […]

    Fi Equal Pay
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