Ideas & Insights

We would like to share some of our latest thinking about the big issues in HR. Please let us know what you think …

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    15th December 2023

    Fundamental Shifts in HR: Part 2, Humans and Technology

    After discussing the world of HR consulting with Sarah Hamilton-Gill on her podcast, Leap Into HR Consulting, we moved onto looking at the four fundamental shifts that I predict we will be seeing in the near future that HR professionals need to be preparing themselves for. The first shift was the Workforce Cliff, and the […]

    Fi Fundamentals Pt 2
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    14th December 2023

    Fundamental Shifts in HR: Part 1, The Workforce Cliff

    I recently had the pleasure of being invited onto Sarah Hamilton-Gill’s HR podcast, Leap Into HR Consulting, where the two of us discussed some of the fundamental shifts that HR professionals should expect to see in the near future. The first of these shifts is what I call the Workforce Cliff. Flashback to almost a […]

    Fi Fundamentals Pt 1
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    13th December 2023

    The Best Leaders are Planning Their Exit from Day One

    With the average turnover rate for leadership roles at an unprecedented 18%, now is the time when these new leaders should briefly step back from thinking about where they are going next and, instead, take a moment to consider what they will be leaving behind. What leadership impression will you be leaving in your wake? […]

    Fi Leader Impression
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    06th December 2023

    What We’re Reading: Decision Intelligence by Thorsten Heilig and Ilhan Scheer

    For this month’s reading recommendation, we picked up a copy of Thorsten Heilig and Ilhan Scheer’s new book, Decision Intelligence: Transform Your Team and Organization with AI-Driven Decision-Making. Thorsten is the Co-Founder and CEO of Paretos, a company with access to cutting-edge AI technologies that use Decision Intelligence to equip organizations to independently tackle complex […]

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    28th November 2023

    Thousands of unpaid carers are leaving the workforce | HR Magazine

    According to research from Carers UK, it is estimated that 40% of carers gave up work to provide unpaid care, while 22% reduced their working hours. Nearly half (49%) of these caregivers who had given up work or reduced their hours saw their monthly income reduce by over £1,000. There are around 2 million employees […]

    Fi Unpaid Carers Repost
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    22nd November 2023

    How Employers Can Quench the Thirst of a Dry Promotion

    Even if you haven’t come across the term ‘dry promotion’, it’s likely you have received one. A ‘dry promotion’ is essentially when an employee is given extra duties and responsibilities without a raise – hence making it a ‘dry’ promotion as there is no compensation being offered to grease their wheels. This phenomenon is quite […]

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    08th November 2023

    Bullying at Work: What are the Signs and What are the Solutions?

    When we hear the word ‘bullying’, we tend to associate this with our school days. However, the sad truth is that more than one in ten people are bullied in their workplace. Bullying behavior can be extremely damaging, whether this be through mental damage done to the employee suffering, or the knock-on effects this behavior […]

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