We would like to share some of our latest thinking about the big issues in HR. Please let us know what you think …
This month, we have grabbed ourselves a copy of Joe Mull’s latest book, Employalty: How to Ignite Commitment and Keep Top Talent in the New Age of Work. With retention being a pressing issue that many employers find themselves grappling with in the modern working world, Employalty acts as an essential guide for any leader […]
Companies that actively support and collaborate with charities are not only contributing positively to the wider community – they are also making a smart business move. Research has found that those businesses that donate over 0.5% of turnover are twice as likely to experience enhancements in company reputation and are nearly 50% more likely to find it […]
Currently, US employment amongst people with disabilities has reached a record high of 22.5 million employees, with 24% of the UK working population also having a disability. So, with more disabled people entering into the workforce, it’s never been more important for employers to ensure they have the right policies, processes, and support networks in […]
Grief is often linked directly to death. Our minds will picture someone who has lost a loved one, thus kickstarting the grief cycle – also known as the five stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance). But grief is more insidious than many employers and employees realize. Humans can feel grief for a variety […]
Learning and development (L&D) opportunities are crucial for attracting and retaining talent. IMC research reveals that 92% of job candidates use L&D opportunities as a deciding factor when evaluating job offers, and 52% of employees have left roles due to insufficient personal or professional development opportunities. So why are developmental opportunities for older workers scarce? The root cause […]
Remote working isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Since the pandemic forced companies to adapt their working styles to adhere to the strict conditions of lockdown, once we returned to normalcy, many employers opted to keep a remote or hybrid approach to work. However, there have always been productivity concerns – especially from employers – around […]
Human Resources Business Partners (HRBP) are professionals that help align an organization’s people strategy with their business strategy. It’s been nearly 30 years since the concept was created by Dave Ulrich and, to this day, being a HRBP is seen as arguably the toughest job in HR, with a relentless focus on consistently demonstrating that […]
1.6% of US adults identify as transgender or nonbinary – and 42% of US adults know somebody who is transgender. In the UK, 0.5% identified as having a gender identity that differed from their sex registered at birth – around 262,000 individuals. With such a sizable population, it’s so important for employers to be ensuring […]
We spend about a third of our lives at work, and so it’s therefore not shocking to discover that 75% of workers say they have formed lifelong friendships with their co-workers. As humans, we naturally seek out connection. Socialising brings with it a wealth of benefits for our health and wellbeing, including better mental health […]
More than one in ten employees have been victims of bullying in their workplace. As employers, this is an alarming statistic to hear, and this is why many workplaces have strict anti-bullying and anti-harassment policies in place to ensure that the culture of the workplace remains inclusive and welcoming to all. However, it can get […]
There has always been this outdated idea that in order to climb the ranks and come out on top you have to be ruthless, cutthroat, and manipulative. But in reality, there isn’t much evidence that supports this – one longitudinal study conducted over 14 years found that those who were selfish, aggressive, and manipulative were […]
Employers spend a lot of time creating and implementing strategies to help manage and mitigate stress in the workplace. After all, excessive stress can lead to health issues, lower productivity, and increase the risk of burnout. But not all stress is ‘bad stress’. Psychologists actually separate stress into two distinct categories: eustress and distress. While […]