Ideas & Insights

We would like to share some of our latest thinking about the big issues in HR. Please let us know what you think …

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    08th November 2023

    The Essential Guide to Social Media Policies for Employers

    In today’s digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives, both personally and professionally. A global analysis of social media usage found that 74% of North America use social media, along with a whopping 84% of Western and Northern Europe. It is therefore no secret that a company’s social media strategy […]

    Fi Social Media
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    08th November 2023

    What We’re Reading: The Key to Inclusion by Stephen Frost

    This month, we have got our hands on a copy of Stephen Frost’s latest book, The Key to Inclusion. With input from authors who are experts in their field of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), Stephen has put together and edited this practical guide with strong strategies, examples, and case studies demonstrating how to cultivate […]

    Fi Inclusion Book Review
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    07th November 2023

    Is ‘Grumpy Staying’ a Symptom of Something Bigger?

    Buzzword lovers, rejoice. There’s a new phrase circulating the corporate social media sphere: grumpy staying. If you are yet to come across it, ‘grumpy staying’ refers to an employee who remains in their current role while being openly frustrated, less productive, and visibly agitated with their working environment – but avoids doing anything to improve […]

    Fi Grumpy Cat
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    31st October 2023

    What Do You Do if Your Workplace is Haunted?

    Stories of ghosts, ghouls, spirits, and paranormal activity are not hard to come by in the modern world. The media is inundated with gothic movies, tv shows, and literature, and for many people a good ghost story gets their spine tingling. However, while the idea of ghosts may be entertainment for some, for others, the […]

    Fi Halloween
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    30th October 2023

    How to Network in the New Age

    Networking is more than just a practice, it’s a skill. A skill that many employers tend to foster and encourage in their employees, as it can lead to better cohesion, higher productivity, and more expansion opportunities. Pre-pandemic, internal networking (which is networking amongst your team members) was a seamless practice, as employees were brushing shoulders, […]

    Fi New Age Networking
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    25th October 2023

    Cancer and the Workplace: Part 3, Remission and Return

    After the discovery and diagnosis and the treatment and recovery, the day finally came: remission. I partook in my last batch of radiotherapy after recovering from my operations, and then finally came the day that I was declared cancer-free. Oftentimes this might be misconstrued as being back to the version of me I was before […]

    Fi Cancer 3
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    24th October 2023

    Cancer and the Workplace: Part 2, Treatment and Recovery

    After discovering, being diagnosed, and then disclosing my cancer to my workplace, then came the big leagues – the start of my treatment. Once I received my results, I was set up with a treatment plan. For me, I found a clear plan comforting. I liked that I could see the journey ahead, that I […]

    Fi Cancer 2
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    23rd October 2023

    Cancer and the Workplace: Part 1, Discovery and Diagnosis

    In one way or another, we’re all deeply familiar with cancer. There was an estimated 18.1 million cases worldwide in 2020, and so oftentimes if you ask someone if they have a ‘cancer story’, the answer will be yes. Back in January of this year, I was over in New York meeting colleagues and networking […]

    Fi Cancer 1
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    19th October 2023

    Navigating the Conflicting Values of a Diverse Workforce

    Having a diverse workforce is a great thing for business; diversity in life experiences and perspectives open up new doors for healthy debate and potential innovation that will expand the economic horizons of an organization, resulting in higher performance and greater shareholder value. However, having a diverse workforce can sometimes lead to inevitable conflict and […]

    Fi Conflict Resolution
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    16th October 2023

    Leveraging Human Resources for Enhanced Cybersecurity: A Collaborative Approach

    In an era of escalating cyber threats, the symbiotic relationship between Human Resources (HR) and cybersecurity has never been more pivotal. Typically seen as the custodians of employee wellbeing and organizational culture, HR professionals are crucial in reinforcing a company’s defence mechanisms against cyberattacks. By facilitate regular training sessions and workshops, HR can help to […]

    Fi Cybersecurity
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