We would like to share some of our latest thinking about the big issues in HR. Please let us know what you think …
“You will fit in perfectly here” is a phrase that many of us will be familiar with hearing after receiving a new job. And while this is positive, it can make you wonder what employers really mean when they say an employee is a ‘good fit’. Is a ‘good fit’ someone the interviewer feels they […]
In both the US and the UK employers are waking up to the fact that the workforce is ageing. And they should, because for the first time in history, over 1/3rd of the working population are over 50! There is growing evidence, however, that organizations on both sides of the Atlantic are failing to act. […]
On a number of occasions in the past I’ve been asked to fire employees for reasons such as “they are not a cultural fit”, “they are not performing well” and, once, when their boss simply didn’t like the color of their shirts. “Fire them”, I was told on each occasion, “it’s employment-at-will, right?” Experienced HR […]
For most of history, publicly traded companies have defined their purpose rather narrowly: they existed first and foremost to serve shareholders, and their interactions with customers, employees, governments, suppliers, the environment, and wider communities were subordinated to this agenda. Now, however, the definition and scope of a company’s purpose is clearly changing. Throughout the business […]
A YouGov survey of 1,025 HR decision makers working across UK businesses has found that almost three quarters (72%) of businesses do not have a menopause policy. This is despite it being widely accepted that the effects of the menopause can be debilitating for a woman’s physical and psychological wellbeing. Symptoms such as joint pain, […]
Throughout my career I’ve found myself gravitating towards startup assignments. I’m a builder, so I find creating a business from scratch and calming the chaos extremely fulfilling. Entrepreneurs who have chosen to create, develop, and execute a service or product are, by necessity, focused on growing the business. External consultants, on the other hand, can […]
Most US-based publicly traded company boards will currently be approving 2021 executive incentives. As they do so, they will also be considering designs for their 2022 compensation programs. So, what’s likely to be new on this year’s agenda for Boards and executives to discuss? 1. Environmental, Societal and Governance (ESG) metrics Whether it’s because of […]
To make a difference for International Women’s Day 2022, OrgShakers’ leadership coaches are proud to offer FREE 1-hour one-on-one online sessions to women professionals throughout the whole of March. To book your FREE 1-hour one-on-one online coaching session CLICK HERE.
Just because we can, doesn’t mean we should. This was my initial reaction to a recent article by Josh Bersin, Online coaching is so hot it’s now disrupting leadership development, where he explores how AI is transforming the way coaching is delivered – and to whom. Now, I believe in the power of AI and […]
The UK government were calling it ‘Freedom Day’ – the day when all Covid-19 restrictions would be lifted after two long years. To be honest, even though Thursday 24th February was also my birthday, it felt the furthest thing from a Freedom Day that I had ever experienced in my HR career. As one newspaper […]
Before you know it, graduation will be approaching. Many of those graduating may not have their first job prospects leaving them feeling anxious as their peers will begin the workforce right after. What do you suggest to your upcoming graduate? Is there an approach you can take? What if you say something wrong to them […]
Looking back, I can’t remember a time when my parents weren’t leading. Sometimes they led small teams of 5-10, sometimes groups in the thousands. They were leaders at local, national, and international levels. While they were both leaders in their careers, they also led in many volunteer roles. Socially gifted, my parents’ ability to connect […]